Month: December 2008
“The boys” and I decided to come visit my parents for a few days… funny because they only live 45 minutes away! But we never get to spend much time with them.. it seems that all our visits are for a single afternoon, or for dinner, whereas we see Casey’s parents for entire weeks…
Resolutely Resolving
Ok, so it’s no secret around here that since Cooper George made his first appearance this blog has become a chore shuffled far down on the To Do list. Seriously. Laundry, dishes, housework, not to mention walking the dog, playing with Kenny (without a baby on my lap) and stringing together an at…
Merry Christmas, too!
Some Christmas shots… Cooper loves his new seat! … Kenny auditioning for KISS while Mommy opens presents… I love this one… Casey, Cooper and I have just woken up from a post-feast-couch-nap and Kenny has just finished an hour of totally un-supervised playtime with his cousins over at my parent’s house…. the mischief is…
Letter to Santa
Today Kenny asked me if I would write a letter to Santa for him. “You write whatever I say, ok Mama?” It’s funny… Casey and I really haven’t told him anything about Santa, but I suppose with the Christmas specials he’s seen (Rudolf, Frosty, etc) and the Christmas storybooks we’ve read, he’s picked up…
Oh Sleep, Where Art Thou?
Actually, it’s gotten a little better around here. Cooper’s ear infection has diminished, though he’s caught another cold (presumably from another friend who neglected to tell me that her kids were sick before they kissed my precious baby’s face…). I’ve started doing something I never saw happening, though: I’m a champion cheerleader…
Mommy: POW
It’s ridiculous how long it’s been since I’ve updated this blog. Truly, I have become a prisoner of war to Cooper and his two-week-long battle with a vicious cold and ear infection. The little bugger has. not. slept. He’s had several nights of two and three hour crying jags, and up so…