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How to Create a Contract in Quickbooks

March 8th, 2022

Creating a contract in QuickBooks is an easy and efficient way to manage your business. Follow these simple steps to create a contract and keep your business organized.

Step 1: Go to the Customers tab on the left-hand side of your QuickBooks dashboard. Select the customer you want to create a contract for.

Step 2: Click on the Create Invoice button. This will take you to the invoice creation page.

Step 3: In the invoice creation page, you will see a checkbox that says “Create a contract from this transaction”. Check this box.

Step 4: Fill in the contract details. This includes the start and end date, the payment terms, and any other specific terms and conditions that you want to include in the contract.

Step 5: Save the contract. QuickBooks will automatically save the contract as a draft until it is approved by the customer.

Step 6: Send the contract to the customer for approval. QuickBooks allows you to send the contract directly through the platform. You can also download the contract and send it to the customer via email or other channels.

Step 7: Once the customer approves the contract, QuickBooks will automatically convert it into a billable transaction.

Step 8: Invoice the customer for the contract. This can be done by creating an invoice from the contract or by including the contract amount in an existing invoice.

Step 9: Track the contract in QuickBooks. You can monitor the status of the contract and track its progress by going to the Contracts tab on the left-hand side of the QuickBooks dashboard.

Creating a contract in QuickBooks is a simple and efficient way to manage your business. By following these steps, you can streamline your contract creation process and keep your business organized. Make sure to take advantage of QuickBooks’ other features, such as invoicing and tracking, to help you manage your contracts and grow your business.

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