
It’s been a busy week around here… For once, I actually took pictures as each adventure came our way.  

First up: a weeknight Oriole’s game!  


It was nearly rained out, but we survived through a delay and then headed to our seats as the drops stopped and an evening sunset came through.   Cooper met The Bird for the first time…


… and in spite of a momentary frown and sniffle, he decided that he was ok (as long as he didn’t get too close!).   Kenny had an uncharacteristically rough night.   He is usually so happy to be there, but got on a whining streak about just about everything and we left much earlier than we’d planned.     C’est la vie… or at least, la vie avec les enfants, mais oui??

My sister came over the next day with her girls, aka. Kenny’s BFFs…


They had a blast, as usual and entertained each other so well that my sister and I actually had some time to talk!

We had friends over for a dinner party on Friday – six adults and seven kids is a party, right?   Kenny and Casey caught nearly two dozen huge crabs off our dock and we prepared a feast…


We ate and drank and all the kids had a turn in the kayak (except Cooper!) and tried out the fishing poles.   IT was a late night, by the time everyone finally left and Casey and I hosed off the crab debris from the deck and cleaned all the big pots.   I had temporarily forgotten that I was running in a 5K the next morning and, regretting the two (or three?) glasses of wine I’d had, I collapsed in bed close to midnight.

Ah, but it was up and at ’em early Saturday.   Kenny got up early with me to get there to sign in and Casey and Coop arrived just in time for the line up.   I did pretty well, considering the imbibing the night before, and the fact that my uterus was recently stretched to the size of a watermelon and back, and that I’m turning 35 in a few weeks…


My time was 26:30.   Not bad for an old, hung over gal, eh??   Kenny ran in the fun run, and did great, holding his own in the under-6 race…



We drove into town after the race and had giant slices of pizza at the City Dock before heading home in utter exhaustion.   I put Cooper down for a nap as it started to rain.   We unanimously voted for a family movie time and Casey and I were able to blessedly veg on the couch while Kenny sat enraptured with The Tale of Despereaux.   Amen.

Sunday was truly a day of rest.   Church.   Home.   We checked the crab traps and found another four, so we decided to steam them up for lunch.   Casey took Kenny out on the kayak while I put Coop down for a nap and read a novel in the Adirondack on the deck.   It was practically a vacation this afternoon!

Now I’m ready to hit the sack, after finally coaxing two very wound up boys to bed way past bedtime.   It’s so hard to get to bed with the sun setting over the water and the ducks quacking and the fish jumping.   Can you blame them for protesting?

All in all, quite a fine week!

PS – I just noticed that in all these pictures, which do indeed span a week, Kenny is wearing the same Oriole’s jersey!   Yes, I wash it.   Yes, he owns other clothes.   Really.   I swear.


3 responses to “”

  1. Looks like a very fun (and busy!) week!

    Which 5K did you run?

  2. It was a benefit to raise money to build a school in Sudan: http://www.friendsofsudan.org.

    Also, for your runners out there: Casey found a typo in my original post… my time was 26:30, not 36:30! So yes, I was pretty happy with my time!

  3. I just came across your blog…and glad I did! What a fun “family” run!!!! My family just did something similar “The Hog Jog”, but I’m the picture taker…won’t run in front of people in our town! 🙂 I look forward to checking into your blog!