Literacy, Literally

While I was picking up the house a bit this morning, carrying Cooper on my hip, Kenny walked over to the bookshelf and got down a stack of especially large Tom Clancy hardbacks from the shelves and plopped them down on the couch.

“What are you doing?”

“I’m reading!”

“Oh.   Ok.   Carry on, then,” I said and walked into the office with Cooper to check some emails.   I heard Kenny open a book and begin to “read” aloud.   At first I couldn’t make out what he was saying, but then realized that he was piecing together, rather comically, random sentences and phrases from recent books we have read.   And then I heard (in a dramatic, nearly Charlton Heston-esque, boom):

“….And Then Jesus Rose from the Dead.   And Then He Said, ‘Ta Da!”


5 responses to “Literacy, Literally”

  1. HA! I love this.

  2. I’ll bet he did say that! There wasn’t anyone there right at that moment, was there?

  3. grammy Avatar

    AMEN and again I say AMEN!!!!!

  4. Keep up the good work and good luck with your site – are you having fun with it? It’s interesting and well worth the time to visit.