Month: September 2006

  • Split Focus

    Kenny and I took Dudley to the vet this morning.   Dudley has been licking himself silly lately, and there had been some spots on his skin we were watching, so we wanted to double check that all was well.   It was hard to concentrate on the exam, though, because Kenny, somehow aware that…

  • Word to the Mamma

    Ok, duh.   You know how they say that really really smart people are usually kind-of clueless about everyday stuff?   Well then that makes me clueless and not that brilliant to begin with. First off, THANK YOU for all who wrote in and commented with advice on the weaning issue.   (Crisanne, our favorite…

  • How Hard Can It Be?

    That’s what came to mind twelve months ago when I figured that I’d breastfeed Kenny until he was one, then stop. What, like I was going to just … stop? See, my adorable, brilliant little boy has learned some sign language in these last few months, and there is nothing sweeter, more heart-melting, more irresistible…

  • Beware of Giant Orioles

    We took Kenny to another Orioles game today… against the Yankees, no less.   (This little guy is starting off his second year of life well!)   I have to admit that my biggest concern going into the ballpark today was that he might hear a few new words… words that I am in no…

  • The Best Day Yet

    Happy Birthday, Kenny!   I can’t believe you are one year old today.   You have brought your Dad and me so much joy and have made our lives rich beyond measure.     You have shown me a side of myself that I never knew existed, and a side of your Dad that makes…

  • Time Flies

    My little boy is turning one tomorrow.   Actually,   he’s turning one at 1:52 AM… this time last year, I was tearfully giving up my hopes of having a nice, earthy, yoga-pose aided natural childbirth, and submitting with exhausted reluctance to the epidural Casey was begging me to take.   After 20 hours of…

  • I Am Who I Was Before

    I’ve been a little introspective today.   This morning, Casey and I took the boys (meaning Kenny and Dudley… Dudley is the weimaraner, for any new readers out there… Kenny is the only real  child in the house…   so far) down to the Naval Academy (which is not at all close to our house)…

  • It’s Not Easy Being Grey

    Yesterday was a tough day for those of us who stay at home here.   Come to think of it, it was tough for the hard-workin’ man who had to come home to  a cranky kid, a horribly cranky Mamma and a dog who was seconds away from being bonked over the head with a…

  • Roommates

    I don’t think I’ve mentioned it in any of my posts so far, but due to the fact that Casey and I were not expecting to have a baby so soon when we rennovated the house that we live in, Kenny actually sleeps in an alcove of Casey’s office, so that we can all be…

  • Party!

                  Today we celebrated Kenny’s First Birthday (even though it’s not until next Saturday) with some close friends, family, several bottles of wine and lots of fun hors d’oeuvres and oysters.   Kenny was charming to the hilt.   In fact, the only time he cried was when we…