Month: November 2006

  • House Arrest

    The construction continued today at our little abode… the difference was that we had to stay here and experience it all.   You see, yesterday, the foreman found a whole mess of termites.   Today, Terminix spent two hours scouring our house for the little buggers, and planning their course of action.   The inspector,…

  • Life in the Pack

    Today Kenny and Dudley and I were ousted from the house again, due to the increasingly noisy and extremely dusty construction work that has taken over the better part of our downstairs.   We piled in the car and drove out to my parent’s house where we had the place to ourselves (they were spending…

  • Super Trooper

    No, not the Abba song, but my little Kenny.   Today he went from vaguely not feeling well to a trip to the doctor’s and a diagnosis of pink eye and an ear infection.   My poor sweetest little guy! We were in the waiting room at the doctor’s office for more than an hour,…

  • Saying Night Night

    It’s hard to explain to a one-year-old where all the people that he said goodnight to for the past week have gone.   For the third night in a row,  Kenny asked several times for “Papa” and “Ra-ran” (Ryan) and it’s not too much of a stretch to hear the names of the other family…

  • The Rascal, Uncovered

    My good friend Kimberly and her kids stayed at our house while we were in Florida over Thanksgiving week.   Today, I finally caught up with her on the phone to see how things went. Turns out Dudley was a Rascal.   Big surprise, right?   But the truth is, aside from Alicia over at…

  • A Week Well Lived

    We arrived home this afternoon from Florida, exhausted and full of fun memories.   The above picture is from yesterday morning, on Siesta Key beach.   The whole family got decked out in our beige and white and prepared for a fantastic family shot amidst the palm trees, white  sugar sand  and blue skies.  …

  • The Sunshine State

    Just to note that Kenny and Casey and I have ventured down to Gramma and Papa’s house in sunny Florida for the week. I will not have the chance to write as much as I thought, so please stay tuned.   We’ll be back in full MommyBlog mode after Thanksgiving! Count it all joy… Kristjana…

  • The Feather Duster Queen

    Today my Mommy came over to help out a little with watching Kenny, while all the construction workers were here, so that I could take care of a little housekeeping.   As her assistant, she brought four and a half year-old Kaitie with her,  my sweet and  creative niece. It was a circus to be…

  • Shopping With the Ringmaster

    Today Kenny and I went shopping for a bathtub.   And a toilet, a shower and all of the accompanying faucets and drains. We found ourselves in a high-end showroom, surrounded with luxuriously deep whirlpool tubs and multi-jetted spa showers.   As Kenny had been in the car for a toddler eternity (45 minutes), and…

  • The Place Where Time Died

    Home Depot.   Again.   Kenny was such a trooper.   But we got the stuff we needed (most of it, anyway) and our little renovation project is back on schedule.   As in, the schedule that we made today, after the schedule that said we should be done already was thrown out the window.…