Month: March 2008
Wild Boy in Training
It seems to me that for the past few days, Kenny has been working hard to stretch his little wings towards supreme rascal-hood. If I say go, he stops. If I say come here, he runs in the other direction. 90% of his antics are accompanied by giggles and mischievous looks, but…
Yesterday Casey and I celebrated our 4th wedding anniversary! We had a fantastic date night – dinner downtown and an overnight at a classy B&B. It’s amazing how invigorating just a short trip away together (sans Kenny) can be. I thought it would be fun to post a few pictures of Casey and…
Dust and More Dust
I think that Casey and I are addicted to home improvement projects. It seems as if every season, there is some reason to have a truck load of workers inside or outside of our house, making messes, making noise and making Dudley crazy. One advantage this time though, is that Kenny is more than…
It’s All in the Timing…
Kenny and I were discussing Baboo’s impending arrival recently. He asked, “When is he coming out?” “In a few more months!” I said. “What’s a few more months?” “Soon.” “After lunch?” he asked. You’ve got to love little ones who live solely in the present tense!
Beware of Stinky Pizza
I just spent the last 24 hours in the hell of food poisoning. I think it was a slice of pizza I grabbed at the mall on Friday afternoon… funny, because it tasted “fine” but at the time I remember thinking, “Hm. This probably isn’t very fresh…” By 1 in the morning,…
Amazing (if not intentional) Belly Tricks
I have a distinct memory of being pregnant with Kenny – I had to be at least 8 months along – and sitting in a meeting with Casey about the renovation on our house, watching in astonished (and slightly embarrassed) awe as my belly started to move like there was an alien inside, aching to…
I’d Like to Thank the Academy…
Seriously, I was surprised and honored to find out today that I was selected as one of “The 50 Best Mom Blogs” on the parenting site Teens Today with Vanessa Van Petten. (If you are a parent of a teenager (or a soon-to-be-teen), I recommend this site; Van Petten is relevant and hip and…
space and time
Today Casey was a guest lecturer at the Naval Academy (something he’s done a few times before) so I tagged along to one of the classes to see him in action. The professor of the class is a good friend of ours, and his wife offered to watch Kenny for a few hours so…
This One Goes Up to Eleven
Kenny has one impressive set of vocal chords. He is LOUD. Most of the time, loud is cute, funny, charming and free-spirited. But occasionally, when pregnant Mommy has an epic headache, Daddy is having a day and Dudley never got his walk and is flying from couch to couch, airborne with the…