Month: March 2008

  • Wild Boy in Training

    It seems to me that for the past few days, Kenny has been working hard to stretch his little wings towards supreme rascal-hood.   If I say go, he stops.   If I say come here, he runs in the other direction.   90% of his antics are accompanied by giggles and mischievous looks, but…

  • Memories

    Yesterday Casey and I celebrated our 4th wedding anniversary!   We had a fantastic date night – dinner downtown and an overnight at a classy B&B.   It’s amazing how invigorating just a short trip away together (sans Kenny) can be.  I thought it would be fun to post a few pictures of Casey and…

  • Dust and More Dust

    I think that Casey and I are addicted to home improvement projects.   It seems as if every season, there is some reason to have a truck load of workers inside or outside of our house, making messes, making noise and making Dudley crazy. One advantage this time though, is that Kenny is more than…

  • It’s All in the Timing…

    Kenny and I were discussing Baboo’s impending arrival recently.   He asked, “When is he coming out?” “In a few more months!”  I said. “What’s a few more months?” “Soon.”   “After lunch?”   he asked. You’ve got to love little ones who live solely in the present tense!

  • The Gang’s All Here

    An Easter Sunday picture… Kenny and his cousins!

  • Beware of Stinky Pizza

    I just spent the last 24 hours in the hell of food poisoning.   I think it was a slice of pizza I grabbed at the mall on Friday afternoon… funny, because it tasted “fine” but at the time I remember thinking, “Hm.   This probably isn’t very fresh…”   By 1 in the morning,…

  • Amazing (if not intentional) Belly Tricks

    I have a distinct memory of being pregnant with Kenny – I had to be at least 8 months along – and sitting in a meeting with Casey about the renovation on our house, watching in astonished (and slightly embarrassed) awe as my belly started to move like there was an alien inside, aching to…

  • I’d Like to Thank the Academy…

    Seriously, I was surprised and honored to find out today that I was selected as one of “The 50 Best Mom Blogs”  on the parenting site Teens Today with Vanessa Van Petten.   (If you are a parent of a teenager (or a soon-to-be-teen), I recommend this site; Van Petten is relevant and hip and…

  • space and time

    Today Casey was a guest lecturer at the Naval Academy (something he’s done a few times before) so I tagged along to one of the classes to see him in action.   The professor of the class is a good friend of ours, and his wife offered to watch Kenny for a few hours so…

  • This One Goes Up to Eleven

    Kenny has one impressive set of vocal chords.   He is LOUD.   Most of the time, loud is cute, funny, charming and free-spirited.   But occasionally, when pregnant Mommy has an epic headache, Daddy is having a day and Dudley never got his walk and is flying from couch to couch, airborne with the…