Month: January 2009
Pepsi Contest Update
I’ve heard that some of you have had trouble submitting recipes on the “Contact” page . Instead, please respond with your submission on the “Your Input Needed” page! I’m getting some awesome recipes! This is going to be a stiff competition! Keep them coming! (And I’d better get cooking!)
Pepsi Sponsoring Contest on MommyBlog!!
Ok, Mommies, be honest: how many of you are secretly counting down the days to the end of football season? How many of you are tired to the TV blaring all Sunday long (and all night on Mondays… and sometimes Thursdays… and now on Saturdays…) and are eagerly anticipating the end of the playoffs…
Mama said there’d be days like this…
I’ve had better days as a mother. Casey took a short trip out of town and things are always a little edgier around here when he’s gone. Ok, I should amend that to say that since Cooper was born, things are a little edgier when he’s gone. Before Cooper (BC… ha ha ha…
If Cooper Could Talk…
… he would say, “Gee, Mom. I’ve been trying to tell you for months… stop tying me up to go to sleep for goodness sakes! Set me free! Let me cry for a minute. I LOVE sleep. Just let me do it my way!” I mentioned a few posts back…
Let’s Get Physical
A month or so ago, I realized that I’d hit my pre-pregnancy weight and did a little happy dance. But the dance was short-lived as I watched myself in the mirror and thought, “Hm. Weight same; body still looking like jelly.” I tried on my favorite “I really look great in these…
Everyone Is Beautiful
Book Review: Everyone is Beautiful, by Katherine Center, published by Ballantine Books, 2009 Available in hardback February 17. For any mom who has ever found herself on day two of going shower-less; who has ever accidentally flashed her nursing bra in public; who has ever wondered for a second too long why the kids were…
Like Clockwork… kind of…
I had no idea how many pro-tummy moms I’d hear from! Thanks to all for the comments and emails about the blissful life of the tummy-sleeping-baby. Cooper has found his niche. We did hit a bump in the “cry yourself to sleep” road, though, as right after I wrote the last post, he…
Cracking the Cooper Code
So it turns out that Cooper did’t really “need” to be swaddled to sleep. In fact, all this time he’s been begging us to set him free… and let him sleep on his tummy. For three days now, he’s napped like a champ – falling asleep on his own after only a little…
Ringing Out the Old
Two nights ago, Cooper had his worst night. Ever. He did get his six-month vaccines that day – a whopping 4 shots and an oral suspension. His doctor told me to keep him on Tylenol, and expect him to be feverish and cranky. Oh, had I had an inkling of what the…