A Case of Pillows

I went in to check on Kenny during his naptime, and this is what I found:


Apparently, during his usual pre-sleeping romping in bed, he worked his way into the pillowcase, and fell asleep there.   I couldn’t resist a picture… even though  the flash  woke him up a little…


But he fell back asleep right away.   He’s been that way for over two hours.

It seems Dudley taught him all about snuggling in the pillows, because I went back downstairs and found this:


It’s hard to tell, but Dudley has wedged himself behind the couch cushions and is in a little cave.

Those are my boys.


3 responses to “A Case of Pillows”

  1. Cute! It makes for a better blanket – one that won’t fall off! :lol::lol:

  2. Your little man is very clever, what a great way to stay warm 🙂 Where did you find such an awesome bed?

  3. The bed is from Rooms to Go… the head and foot boards are made of baseball bats!