Casey and I finally decided that now was as good a time as any to spill the news… I am pregnant!
Though the first four weeks of harboring this news (and sharing it with a few very close friends and family) was accompanied by deep breaths and clarifications (as in “I’ve already had four blood tests to check my hormone levels and they are off the charts!” and, “Yes, I’ve already had two ultrasounds and all is so far so good!”), I finally feel as confident about this little zygote at I did when I was pregnant with Kenny nearly three years ago.
I am close to ten weeks, and I actually have had three ultrasounds already now… one at four weeks (to ensure that it was not ectopic), one at six weeks (to make sure there was a fetal pole and a heartbeat), and one this past Tuesday at nine weeks to make sure he was still kickin’ around in there, the right size for his age, and firmly implanted where he was supposed to be.
May I just say that my OB is a gift from God? He is a gruff old guy, so scientifically focused that his jokes are nearly impossible to detect, but one thing’s for sure – he doesn’t gloss things over, or look for the Pollyanna point of view, so this week when he declared me “in no way high risk” I know I can believe it for sure. In fact, he told me to go for a jog…. it seems I could use a little exercise. Or maybe less potato chips, which is what my nauseous tummy begs for all day…
So, I’m pregnant!
My due date is July 1st, but the OB has decreed a planned c-section will be sometime the week of June 23rd. (Kenny was an un-planned one…. after 24 hours of labor with no progression) I have been nauseous (no throwing up, but I think I’d feel better if I did) from waking to falling asleep again. The nausea was actually a little better this week with my killer cold, but it came back with a vengeance today. Food aversions have been bizarre – meat (except ground meat, when I usually won’t touch with a ten foot pole under non-prego circumstances)… I can’t even bring myself to buy meet at the grocery store, it grosses me out so much; vegetables (which I usually love and eat lots of), coffee (though I still have to have a few sips first thing, then I realize it’s icky, and dump it down the drain) and candy bars. Cravings? Chips, oranges, potatoes, bread and baked goods. Hm. That would explain the four pounds I’ve already gained, I guess.
I can’t say that I have been completely anxiety-free. I can’t say that there isn’t a little part of my brain that wants to “be prepared” in-case this one dosn’t make it. But this one isdifferent. With the baby we lost in March, I had no morning sickness, no real body changes (other than fatigue) and when we went in for our eight-week ultrasound, the baby only measured 6 weeks and 5 days. They told me that my dates were off, but later conceded that the baby wasn’t growing properly. With the baby we lost in July, there was a little nausea, but by seven weeks when the bleeding started, they discovered two blighted ovums…. we never saw babies or heartbeats, just the empty gestational sacks. But this time, those angels over at my OB practice had been clocking me from the day I discovered a positive EPT test… checking that hormone levels are rising at the right rates and checking in on the baby’s progress with the sonogram.
Now that my OB has declared this a “normal, healthy pregnancy” I will go back to a normal, healthy check-up schedule, and won’t have another ultrasound until 20 weeks. I finally feel like it’s OK to jump for joy!
I know that it’s still technically “early” to be sharing the news, but given all that’s happened this year, I need to be able to write about it all or I’ll go crazy.
Stay tuned!
16 responses to “Oh, BABY!”
Congrats!! My prayers are with you for a happy, healthy pregnancy!!
I’m so, so happy for you all. Thanks for sharing the great news!!!
I’ll keep you in my prayers!! It’s exciting news!:grin: Your cravings sounds like mine the first few months. Chips, etc. I drink water, but even water was yucky at that time!
Take care!!
Praise God! What a wonderful Christmas surprise for your readers! Your aversions sound like mine with Buddy – all white meat was yucky, but a beef taco from Taco Bell was just right! That and soft pretzels.
And I know what you mean about THIS pregnancy being different. When I had my miscarriage I could just feel from the start that the whole experience was . . . off. But as soon as I saw the positive test with Buddy, I knew I’d carry him full term. Strange, huh?
Congratulations! Hug your family from me! And then go for a run!
Congrats!!! I’m so happy for you!
Hooray, the wonderful news is OUT! We’re sooooo happy for you.
Congratulations! Prayers for a healthy and happy pregnancy!!! Can’t wait to read all about it!=]
I am so happy for you. I have to admit, I have been checking in quite a bit to see if there has been any news for you!!!!!
I am so happy for you!!!! So so so happy!!!
Bless you all!!!!!
– Audrey
Pinks & Blues Girls
Yay! Me too, I am due the 28th of June! But I am completely and totally always sick and tend to throw up a lot!
Whoooooo Hooooooooo! So totally great!!! Praise God!! We are so happy for you and Casey and Kenny. Isn’t He good?!
I am so, so happy for you! I know what you went through and I’ve been there too myself, but when you finally are holding that new baby in your arms it will so be worth everything you went through to get there. I will keep you in my prayers. Congrats again!
Congratulations! I am so happy for the three of you. I will keep you in my prayers… good luck with everything and take it easy, as easy as you can with a toddler!
De-lurking to say Congrats!! I enjoy reading your blog- thanks for sharing 🙂
THAT’S wonderful news!!! My prayers are with you and your family now. I am currently in similar early stages, but no one (except my hubby and doctor) knows! And now you! And all your readers…uh, er, um! 🙂
Congrats! I check your blog every now and then, and Im glad to hear this news! I know things have been tough this past year, but look at you now! Even though I dont know you, I am thrilled for you! Congrats again on the growing belly!
Congrats, wonderful news, enjoy reading your blog.