I don’t think I’ve mentioned it in any of my posts so far, but due to the fact that Casey and I were not expecting to have a baby so soon when we rennovated the house that we live in, Kenny actually sleeps in an alcove of Casey’s office, so that we can all be on the same floor. Oh, he has a room… it’s just on the other side of the house, as far away as it could be without trying. So I keep finding myself writing while he’s asleep at night, with only a folding screen to separate us. (I think I type really loud. I always hear him shift and sigh while I’m writing.)
But today we met with a builder to talk about doing another rennovation that would rearrange the living, sleeping and working situations. This new adventure (which we swore, after the last contruction FIASCO that we would never again attempt in this lifetime) will hopefully leave us with a room for Kenny right down the hall from us before he starts sleeping in a big boy bed, or at least before he leaves for college.
Until then, I’m afraid that the pitter-patter of Mommy’s typing fingers will pepper his sleep, and in addition to our ritual “Goodnight Dudley; Goodnight water, Goodnight boats, Goodnight ducks (looking out the window); Goodnight outside (closing the curtains); Goodnight teddy; Bedtime for Baby!” There will have to remain, for a little longer, “Goodnight computer… Goodnight printer… Goodnight bills that are still sitting on the desk that Mommy keeps forgetting to open… Goodnight fax that Mommy still hasn’t sent to the pet insurance people from Dudley’s last unexpected visit… Goodnight…”
At least we can be thankful that his crib isn’t parked in the laundry room. It would take hours to say goodnight.
2 responses to “Roommates”
Before we moved into our current house, our twins couldn\’t sleep in the same room because they played all night, so one of them had to sleep in the laundry room. So it was \”goodnight washer, goodnight dryer…\”
That’s a good one… only Kenny would have to say, “Goodnight mountain of unwashed clothes…”