The Best Day Yet

Happy Birthday, Kenny!  

I can’t believe you are one year old today.   You have brought your Dad and me so much joy and have made our lives rich beyond measure.     You have shown me a side of myself that I never knew existed, and a side of your Dad that makes my heart melt!

We had so much fun  celebrating your day today.  We spent the morning downtown (where Dudley still got all the attention).   We walked around the historic district, had lunch at a favorite ourdoor table at the city dock (you ate almost a third of Mommy’s salmon, and who knews how much of Daddy’s fish and chips), then stolled in for some  ice cream (sorry kiddo – you slept through that one!),  walked around the Naval Academy, and then drove home singing and laughing.   And when we got home, we opened presents!

Kenny b day! 005.jpg      TV Remotes and Cell Phones GALORE!                                Kenny b day! 016.jpg… how did you know what to do with the remote??

Then you helped Mommy make  a “barely chocolate” cake…     Kenny b day! 021.jpg

(and helped test the icing!)Kenny b day! 026.jpg

And we capped it off with  a steak dinner out on the deck.   You put away a lot of steak for a little guy, but somehow the corn on the cob took the prize…

Kenny b day! 029.jpg

And the cake, though you thought it was a little icky at first, turned out to be a hit!

Kenny b day! 042.jpg

My sweetest little guy, I love you so much.   This year has flown by… there’s got to be a way to slow it down!   I want to savor each moment.   You are a wonder.   Thanks for being who you are and for letting me be your Mommy.


One response to “The Best Day Yet”

  1. Happy First Birthday, Kenny! I’m glad you guys enjoyed a special day together as a family.
    Thank you Kristjana, for continuing to write such heartfelt posts. Isn’t it amazing how children change your life in a way you couldn’t possibly imagine. By the way, whenever my three year old Riley walks by my laptop and sees your home page he says ” Hey, there’s Kenny!” like he knows him. It’s so cute! Riley loves the picture of all the Kenny’s growing on the tree. 🙂