1. How much do you clean house when a babysitter is coming over? Nothing? A quick vacuum? A full-on scrub-a-dub??
2. How many days per week do you stay home (or go only where you can walk to) all day, because it’s just too much to get everyone in the car to go somewhere?
3. Have you ever given your child a cleaning with wet wipes, instead of putting them in the bathtub?
4. Have you ever asked your preschooler to watch your baby, “just for a second?”
5. Have you ever locked yourself in the bathroom to find even a moment of peace and quiet?
5(b). Have you ever locked yourself in the bathroom and eaten a chocolate bar in secret?
Just curious. Not that I’m speaking from experience, or anything… just wondering…
7 responses to “Polls”
1. How much do you clean house when a babysitter is coming over? ****I tidy up, wipe down the bathroom with clorox wipes, vacuum up the living room rug (dog hair!) and spray some smelly stuff… oh, and make sure the sink is empty.
2. How many days per week do you stay home (or go only where you can walk to) all day, because it’s just too much to get everyone in the car to go somewhere? ****Maybe one, sometimes two… busy, busy… (during school, I drive them everyday)
3. Have you ever given your child a cleaning with wet wipes, instead of putting them in the bathtub? ****no, but they have gone to bed many-a-night with only their faces washed and teeth brushed.
4. Have you ever asked your preschooler to watch your baby, “just for a second?” ****probably
5. Have you ever locked yourself in the bathroom to find even a moment of peace and quiet? ****all the time sista
5(b). Have you ever locked yourself in the bathroom and eaten a chocolate bar in secret?****uh-huh and other yummy stuff too… it is our privilege! 😆
1. I do the most cleaning if the “sitter” is a friend or someone I have to see in another setting (i.e. church)
2. Oh every day…I think we’re becoming hermits! Hey, it’s highs of 105 here where we are, so going outside is not really enjoyable right now.
3. Oh yes, wipes are our friends! Baths are overrated – I save those for the really bad days – i.e. poop explosions
4. Not yet, as my older one is 2 – his idea of “watching” might include using his brothers head as a drum.
5. I locked myself in the bathroom today…to eat a chocolate chip cookie (All MINE!!)
1. How much do you clean house when a babysitter is coming over? I pick up clutter, try to get the dishes out of the sink, make sure there’s no random pee puddles on/around/behind the toilet (I have two little boys!!), vacuum after the dogs as they LOVE to leave me leaves & various keepsakes from their adventures outside all over my kitchen floor…..grrrr….
2. How many days per week do you stay home (or go only where you can walk to) all day, because it’s just too much to get everyone in the car to go somewhere? It used to be one or two, but now that my oldest is in karate 3 times a week & piano once a week we wind up having to get out of the house.
3. Have you ever given your child a cleaning with wet wipes, instead of putting them in the bathtub? We usually skip a day with baths anyway, but yes, wipes are a great substitute! Also if I wash my kids too often their eczema flares up. 🙁
4. Have you ever asked your preschooler to watch your baby, “just for a second?” Yes, back when my preschooler was 3 and the baby was nearly 1. More than once!
5. Have you ever locked yourself in the bathroom to find even a moment of peace and quiet? YES YES YES! My hubby travels frequently overseas usually for a 5 day (or more) stretch. I’m sure you know — you have to find your sanity when/where you can. And if it is in the locked bathroom, by all means….!!!
5(b). Have you ever locked yourself in the bathroom and eaten a chocolate bar in secret? No but I Facebooked on my iPhone in the bathroom today! 😯 And I do have a nightly date with my Haagen Dazs but I wait until those little buggers are in bed!!! And they know not to even look at my ice cream pints in the freezer. 😉
1. I dust/vaccum the living room, wipe down the kitchen and make sure the dishes are put away, and wipe down the guest bathroom (mostly the sink and toilet).
2. I teach, so during the summer, I’ve found that we’ll be inside 3-4 days a week of it’s too hot to have her outside. Otherwise, since I only have one, I try to get out and do some sort of errand each day for my own sanity and hers. She gets a little nutty being in the house all day.
3. I did it last night. We had to put sunscreen on her yesterday, but I gave her her bath in the morning. I didn’t want to do another bath, so she got a good wipe down before bed.
4. Not yet, since I only have one, but I can guarantee that I will.
5. I just had my first moment of having to walk away and shut the bedroom door behind me (hubby was here). I just reached the point where the continual whiny voice put me over the edge.
5b. Not yet. She’s not old enough to know that what I’m eating is as good as it is. But, I can see it happening in the near future and she begins to be more adventurous in trying more foods.
1. I keep my house clean :o) Please don’t throw things at me! Blame it on mom!
2. You need vitamins! LOL
3. Noooooooooooooooo! I have a sensitive nose that is totally opposed to stinky
4. Only had one…so nope
5. LOL You definitely need some “me” time. Remember, the children are 1/2 your husband’s duty.
☼Hope you’re having a sunshine ☼ filled Sunday!☼
5(b). Have you ever locked yourself in the bathroom and eaten a chocolate bar in secret?
1. I have yet to have a sitter at my house. I know, I’m crazy. But being as neurotic as I am, I would clean. Small town sitters talk.
2. I’ve become a hermit since having my newest baby. I can’t figure this 2 kids in the grocery cart thing out.
3. Wipes instead of baths. Done it.
4. Not yet.
5. Yes! Having two under two has tested my already faltering sanity! Sometimes mommy needs a timeout.
5b. Nope.
By the way, love the blog.
1) I make sure the kitchen and bathrooms are clean. Make the kids do an okay job of cleaning up the toys (at least well enough that the sitter can walk through the living room ) and vacuum where needed.
2) I stay home when possible. My two girls both play soccer in the summer and other activities in the winter, so we have to go out at least 4 evenings a week.
3) When the kids were in the toddler stage, wipes were the best! Baths are only needed every second day unless something disgusting happens right?
4) When my youngest was about 1 and the older girl was 3, yeah. It was something like keep an eye on your sister so Mommy can go potty. ( generally only happened if they were already happily occupied with something)
5) YES! When the girls were younger I found myself going into the bathroom for a moments peace on those really loud days where nothing seemed to go well.
5b) Now that my girls are 5 and 7 OH YES! Those girls of mine are always hungry if they smell anything with sugar. If I want a treat I have to sneak it. And the bathrooms the perfect place. You can have a seat and enjoy, you can flush away and incriminating crumb evidence, and theres a sink handy to wash off any chocolate fingers.