The King of Comedy

Kenny is starting to realize that he is a pretty funny little guy.

Sometimes he is funny on purpose…



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These shots were taken at a church costume party.   Put Kenny in a cow costume, and he turned in to a hamsteak.   Not only did he leave the whole costume on the whole time, but he ran around, crowing and laughing, happy as an oblivious angus.  

And he doesn’t need a costume to entertain: Yesterday I took him to the indoor playground at the mall, and within minutes he was so happy to be playing among the giant soft plastic animals that he started singing at the top of his lungs.   In fact, when he managed to climb to the top of the tallest one all by himself for the first time, he stood triumphant at the top, raised his arms above his head, and gave a true rebel yell of victory.   Sort of a mix between a “yeeeeeehaw!” and a “taaaDaa!”

But the biggest laughs always come when he is earnest and sincere, with no intentional punchlines.   Last night I had to leave for a rehearsal at church before his bedtime.   I bathed him and was putting on his pjs, telling him that Mommy had to to go church and that Daddy would be putting him to bed.   I caressed his face and nuzzled his nose.   He smiled and reached up and gently touched my chest and said, so sweetly and seriously, “Boobie?”   “Yes, honey,” I said,  “Mommy’s taking her boobies, too.”   “Nigh, Nigh,” he said, and walked down the hall.  

He is also a champion initiator of “peek-a-boo.”   Today I took advantage of a quiet moment while he was immersed in painting fingerprints on the sliding glass doors to open and sort the mail.   A moment later, I hear, “PEEEBOO!” and turn around, and there he is, half-hidden by the couch, cackling wildly at his own antics.   I started towards him, and he turned and ran as fast as he could and dove head-first into Dudley’s bed, burying his face it the slime-crusted fleece.   Muffled by the batting, I could hear his wild guffaws and passionate, “PEEBOO!!!!”

The fun never ends around here.


One response to “The King of Comedy”

  1. OMG! Kenny is TOO cute in his costume! i miss you guys! lets hang out soon. now you have me thinking of takign Kelsey to a pumpkin patch!