I took Kenny to his first gymnastics class today (not Gymboree, but a little different, a little better in my opinion), and he had the most fun that I’ve ever seen in his precious fourteen months of life. He was in his glory ~ endless safe, soft things to climb on, obstacle courses (that he surprised me with by his incredible agility and coordination!) and a trampoline runway which he actually jumped all the way down. I was amazed. This kid is a natural athlete, and the best part was witnessing his boundless joy and happiness through it all. We ran, we jumped into a pit of nerf blocks, we hopped over the beam, we climbed a ladder, jumped on a moon bounce and then did it all over again. Gymnastics rocks!
And I have to admit that I had a blast, too, getting to do it all alongside him and the twenty other kids there with their moms and dads.
Unfortunately, we we piled back into the car, all smiles and giggles, he lasted about four minutes before projectile vomiting everything he’d eaten in the last twenty-four hours all over himself, the carseat and his sippy cup. I shuttled him home and we snuggled and cuddled and he seemed fine the rest of the day, other than having no appetite. I put him to bed early (he wouldn’t eat any dinner), and not twenty minutes later, when I peaked in on him, I found him and his bed covered in vomit. I actually put him on the floor, cleaned the bed and changed the sheets, cleaned him off and got him back in without him waking at all. The doctor said that he most likely caught a virus on the plane this weekend. My poor, sweetest little boy! My heart hurts to think of him not feeling well today and managing to be so sweet through it all.
Hopefully we’ll get over this virus soon… it’s a veritible infirmary around here between Dudley’s pink eye, my vicious cold and now Kenny’s virus. Now that he’s sleeping soundly, I think this calls for some ice cream.
2 responses to “The Best (Almost) Day Yet”
Sorry to hear you guys are sick. We’re on our third cold/cough in as many months. Take care and have some chicken soup! It’d be good for all of you…well I don’t really know about Dudley, but I’m sure it can’t hurt to try!
i enjoyed reading your post..i can see how much you love your child..i hope, you guys will be just fine..hooo! i remember my mom!!! anyways, I’ll be praying for all of you..God Bless!