The Place Where Time Died

Home Depot.   Again.   Kenny was such a trooper.   But we got the stuff we needed (most of it, anyway) and our little renovation project is back on schedule.   As in, the schedule that we made today, after the schedule that said we should be done already was thrown out the window.   After the window that we have been waiting three weeks for arrived today and turned out to be the wrong one.   After the flooring we thought we had enough of turns out to be a few square feet short.

I am never renovating anything again.

Tomorrow, my sweet little boy and I have to go to a plumbing supply company to buy a bathtub.   I haven’t told Kenny yet, because I’m in denial, and because  I don’t want him to start having nightmares about home improvement warehouse supply stores.

In other news, I think it’s safe to say that the weaning is nearly done.   Kenny still asked for milk a couple of times today, but today was the first day that I really had none left.   He was frustrated, but kindly suggested,  “Waffle?” and after the eggo was neatly toasted, soon forgot about the missing milk.   But my triumph is taking a depressing turn.

I need to put in a disclaimer here about what I am about to write: my apologies to any men reading this, but I gotta  be honest to the Mommies…  

I had this wild delusion that my nursing… um…  “assets” would somehow stick around a little longer.   I  have always been  on the  stick-figiure side, and I have to admit that I’ve taken for granted the C-cup glory of the last  fourteen  months.   Today, for the first time since my third trimester, I had to dig out the old “Nearly A’s” that were optomistically stuffed into the back of the drawer.   (Thank goodness I didn’t throw then away!   I guess I wasn’t that optomistic….)     That’s right.   The milk is gone and the cupboard is bare.  
