Super Trooper

No, not the Abba song, but my little Kenny.   Today he went from vaguely not feeling well to a trip to the doctor’s and a diagnosis of pink eye and an ear infection.   My poor sweetest little guy!

We were in the waiting room at the doctor’s office for more than an hour, then stuck in traffic on the way to the pharmacy for nearly forty-five minutes.   Then once at the pharmacy, in line for another twenty minutes, only to get up to the counter and find that they never filled the prescription that the doctor called in.   All through it, Kenny was the most patient, joyful little munchkin you could imagine.

Did I mention that we left our house at 8 am today because they started the demo on the bathroom and guestroom (and Kenny’s room) downstairs?   We spent the day at my mom’s and arrived home way after Kenny’s normal bedtime to find the entire contents of the bathroom in the floor of Kenny’s room, and a stripped pit where the bathroom used to be.   Not the most relaxing homecoming.   Tomorrow will be more of the same as far as noisy construction; so frustrating when what Kenny needs the most is a quiet day at home, and yet we can’t stay here and will have to pile into the car and go somewhere safer!

And did I mention that I had to take Dudley with us this morning, and not only was he a Super Trooper Dog, but he was stuck in the car through all the doctor’s office madness, traffic, pharmacy gaffes and drive home with nary a pee-break.   And not a peep, not a whine, only grateful and gleeful whizzing once we finally got home.

It took a while for Kenny to go to bed once we got him feed and  into his pjs.   Then he was up a mere  hour later for some more rocking and cuddling.   It hurts me so to see him feeling so obviously awful and yet still being his naturally joyous self.   What a lesson to learn!!   He is a much better patient than I.   He is now finally  sleeping in a tiny ball with his spider arms wrapped around his stuffed lamb, Baa.   Dudley is passed out, buried beneath the pillows on my bed, snoring and running in his sleep.

Sleep well, little guys…   tomorrow will be a better day…