From Hawaii, With Love




Have you ever come to realize just how much you love someone, just how affectionate you are towards them, when you have a span of time with nothing to do but enjoy their company? That’s how I feel about Casey and Kenny right now. The two of them make my life such a joy, and I revel in the times that we are able to spend together, laughing and giggling and just loving each other.

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We bought Kenny a yukelele yesterday. He now crows “Ditar!” (guitar) as he races around our rented condo. It’s all we can do to convince him not to sleep with it at night. Casey can actually eek out a song or two on it, but all I can do is pretend to strum, and yodle affectionate Hawaiian-style tunes.

Meanwhile, our boy is turning into quite the Hawaiian! Not only does he love the yukelele, but he feasts on fresh fish, dances in the ocean, and thinks nothing of skipping lunch to stay in the surf. If only we could teach him how to say, “Hang loose, man.”

We’ve been going for long walks in the morning, usually ending with him diving on into the surf. It is bliss, being able to relax everyday with Casey and Kenny; no house to clean, no chores to cram into the sparse moments when Kenny is otherwise distracted, no worries other than where to have dinner. These are precious times, and I don’t take that for granted. Casey keeps making jokes about moving here. I don’t think it’s a matter for joking… my bags are already half packed…

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4 responses to “From Hawaii, With Love”

  1. He looks so cute! Miss you guys… and no, you can’t move – the girls keep asking when they can babysit Kenny. ๐Ÿ˜‰ Now I feel guilty, since we are not beach people, Kristin has never seen or laid foot on a beach (at 3!) and Kaitie hasn’t been since she was 8 months old ๐Ÿ˜ฏ – I’ll need your help too… we are going to plan a trip to Spain for Sept 2007 – post Afghanistan!

  2. :mrgreen:Wow nice pictures. I was in Hawaii in October. My fiance and I went for our birthdays. It was very exciting for us. I ran into your site and I love the pics.

  3. Glad to hear you guys are having such a great time together! Enjoy it while it lasts!!

  4. love the pics. it is 70 degrees and sunshining here today. getting ready to take a walk with Maurice,Marie, and Francine. Miss you!!!!!!!