Run, Mama, Run

I am running in my first post-baby race a week from today.   I was actually supposed to do this back in August, but due to many circumstances (namely, my lack of proper training), I was forced to drop out.   So it will be a 15K one week from now.   I think it will go ok.   I ran for an hour yesterday morning, hitting six solid miles, and easily could have kept going, if not for the breakfast date I had with Casey and Kenny.   Nine and a quarter miles along the coast of Maui, and mostly flat at that, should be a breeze, as long as I can lay off the margaritas and ice cream cones a little more than I have been.   That’s the caveat of a vacation race…

In other news, Kenny is starting to show some uncharacteristically grumpy behavior, due for the most part (in my opinion) that he’s not getting enough sleep.   At home, he sleeps from 6 until 6 or 6:30 (don’t get too jealous… remember, he hardly ever naps!).   Here he’s been getting to bed around 8 and waking up at 5:30 or 6, and taking a hour or less nap in the afternoon.   Definitely a deficit.   We try to get him to bed “on time” but due to the fact that we eat out every night (another part of a vacation) and the fact that we all share one room, it just seems to be 8 o’clock by the time he’s settling down.   Any advice on this out there?   How can we find a happy balance?

Ah, but grumpy moments or not, he’s starting to get a reputation here in Lahaina town of being an A-1 flirt.   He really turns it on for the ladies.   Yesterday we met a realtor and he flirted so much, I actually blushed.   So did she.   Help me when he runs for homecoming king.


One response to “Run, Mama, Run”

  1. Good luck! I’m sure the good long rest will be nothing but a good thing for a long race!