A Quick Update

I am home on a quick “walk Dudley” break.   Today is Kenny’s third day in the hospital, and we are not sure yet whether or not we will be staying another night.   He is MUCH better today – finally talking, laughing and eating again.  

Yesterday was pure Hell.   He woke up at 3 AM vomiting, and didn’t stop until five.   His I.V. came loose yesterday at about that time, and it took them six hours and NINE tries to get another one established.   Seven of those tries blew veins, and his little hands and arms are bruised and bandaged.   They finally got one in his foot, so his leg is wrapped as if it were broken, to keep him from jiggling it loose again.   He spent the rest of the day yesterday lying listlessly, sleeping on and off, as they pumped fluids and over-due  antibiotics into his little body.   He fell asleep last night at 6 and didn’t wake up again until 5 this morning – a huge relief.   He has been running a fever on and off, but the vomiting has stopped and he was able to eat again.   He’s napping again now, and I took the chance to run home for a break.   I need a walk as much as Dudley does.

The jury is still out as to what’s going on exactly.   There is definitely a bacterial infection (though they are unable to determine whether it’s Staph or Strep, due to the culture not growing), and possibly a viral infection as well.  

I’m sorry for the lack of writing finess in this post, but I promise to relay more later.   I need to get going.   Thanks to all for the prayers, and keep praying!   I’ll update when I can.



One response to “A Quick Update”

  1. Thanks for the update. Jeff told me he had put an IV in the foot of an unwilling patient just yesterday. You guys remain in my prayers, esp. for wisdom for the doctors to determine the cause and proper course of treatment.