Kenny has to stay in the hospital another night, so I have come home to take care of Dudley, and to “try” to get some sleep. It turns out that his infection culture did grow after all, so they are able to determine that it is indeed a Staph infection. They are keeping him another night to try and determine which strain of Staph it is (so that they can send him home with the right antibiotic), and because his fever keeps going up and down, and they require that the patient be free of a fever for twelve hours before discharge.
Kenny, on the other hand, is crawling the walls. He’s 100% improved in his inexhaustibly excitable capacities, and he is doing somesaults on the bed out of boredom. He’s begging to WALK, and trying desperately to escape his confinement. To that end, I am extremely relieved, though I left poor Casey with a fired up toddler, way past bedtime, and helpless to get him to lay down and “go sleepy-time!” I will hopeful get something resembling a decent night’s sleep, and return over to the hospital tomorrow morning to see when they plan on releasing him.
Thanks again to all for all the prayers and hopefully tomorrow my news will be nothing but good!
4 responses to “Update, Part II”
I can’t believe my comment posted! (I’m on my mom’s computer.) Hopefully when I get my computer back from the computer doctor I’ll be able to comment from my OWN computer.
I’m so glad that they’ve finally figured out what the infection is. Only up hill from here! Continuing to pray for little Kenny and peace for you and Case. Love you.
Oh sweet Kenny! I hope you’re better soon!
I’m glad they found out what’s wrong and they can give Kenny what he needs. Ya’ll have been through so much lately. I don’t even know you, but I feel like I do since I’ve been reading your blog. Kenny is a real cutie!