Me; Only One Organ Short

I’m slowly recouperating.   Casey took me to a wine bar tonight where we sampled half a dozen wines, and that certainly helped!   I still feel my insides do the tango when I shift positions, but I suppose that’s to be expected.  

Kenny is “surviving” with his grandparents.   Read: He is loving every minute!    Lunch in the living room, watching cartoons; cake and ice cream for dinner… what could be better??   No, seriously, my in-laws are doing a stellar job of taking care of him and me.   And I am a reluctant patient.   I come out at in-frequent intervals to uphold the law of the house, then disappear into narcotic-induced slumber for hours on end.   They are champs.

The bottom line is that I’m recovering, Kenny is recovering, Casey is recovering, and poor Dudley is going to the Vet again tomorrow for his yearly vaccinations.   And Grandma and Papa are holding down the fort.   I wonder if we even remember what “normal” is?


4 responses to “Me; Only One Organ Short”

  1. Let’s compare our gall bladder “punctures” when you get home!! Seriously- in a week you will feel just about top notch! I raise my glass and propose a toast to normal. Wish you were closer so I could deliver a dinner and give you a gentle hug. Heal well, my friend.

  2. mommie knight Avatar
    mommie knight

    I so thankful that George and Ruby could be there. Please tell them thank you for me. I love you all, Mommie

  3. Aunt Syl Avatar
    Aunt Syl

    I have been anxiously pulling up your blog daily because I know you are OK if you are writing. What a relief – you are BACK! Love, Aunt Syl

  4. So glad you are doing well. It sounds like Kenny is living the life with your in-laws! Everyone needs a little spoiling once in a while! 🙂

    Wishing you a speedy recovery!