Lack of antics and adventure is certainly not the reason for my lapse in writing over this long five day void. I can blame it on only one thing. Kenny hasn’t napped since last Wednesday.
For my long-time readers, you will remember that Kenny was otherwise known as “No Nap Joe” for the first fourteen months of his life. He miraculously started taking them precisely the time we moved out to Scottsdale, AZ for our our annual five-month stint. He even took naps the first five days we were back in Maryland, but now, wham! NO NAP JOE RETURNS.
I can’t tell you what an emotional toll this is taking on me. Not only was I totally used to my one-or-two hours a day to get things done (or just mentally recharge), but now is the time I desperately need those naptimes so that I can finish getting us unpacked and settled in. Today he screached every five minutes for the hour I left him in his bed. It’s the same screech he’s been doing since last Thursday: “Blan-ked-on!” He wails this with such heartwrenchingly pathetic sincerity, I’ve actually found myself returning to his room multiple times to pull the little blanket back over his back from whence he kicked it off. (He hasn’t done this at night once.) In Scottsdale when I put him down for a nap, he would play happily for up to a half hour before putting himself to sleep. But here, all he will do is immediately lay down, then get frustrated when he can’t sleep due to the skewed feng shui of his environment.
I have found myself in a ball of anxiousness over it. All I can envision is a return to the Life With Non-Napping Child and a messy house, a pile of unopened mail and bathrooms nearly shelacked with hairspray residue. Not only that, but I fear my own demise as the little hours I had squireled away for myself to write and pursue non-mommy-eque goals are stolen by a tricky blanket that won’t stay put.
What do I DO?!? I have enforced putting him in his bed, and letting him cry. But the hour he’s in there is no respite for me and certainly no rest for him. This evening he fell asleep on the way home from getting his haircut (it was five PM), then wailed through dinner, demanding “Mo’wer GOAT CHEESE!” of all things. I’m frazzled.
Ah, but he is still the apple of my eye, and I supposed I could view this as an opportunity to spend an extra hour with him every day.
Hm. Ok, I’m still going to pray that he takes a nap tomorrow.
3 responses to “Joe, the Comeback Kid”
Oh no! Well, I know a little about that. Joshua who is now a little over 15 mo. old, fights napping. I have found myself (after we eat breakfast) putting him in our van and going for a ride.!! Normally he’ll fall asleep somewhere in there and I just keep riding. No rest for me, mind you, but he’s getting his nap. The other day, he fell asleep on the way back from groceries, so I left the van running where he could stay cool and I put up the few little groceries (it’s easy to do with the layout of our house). All but this one little Totinos pizza. I preheated the oven (checking on Joshua), then I plopped my pizza in the oven. I knew it’d take about 10 minutes to bake, so I hopped back in the van and rode for 10 more minutes just through the neighborhood. When I got back, I had me a pizza to eat, and he got him a NICE nap. Of course, I’d probably never be able to do that again. Anyway, he does fight it. Every now and then, he can’t take it anymore and falls asleep on a pallet we make on the floor.:grin:
Kids just know exactly what you need – and usually do the opposite!! 🙂 haha!
I hope Kenny says goodbye to “Joe” soon and hello to SLEEP!
Jane, Pinks and Blues Girls
What do you do….?!
You call a friend over for a playdate while you get some things done!
😛 anytime, sister!