Our Gatekeeper

We have  a giant Blue Heron that has taken up residence for the past few summers on the land by our dock.   He struts around the dock for at least an hour every morning, taking inventory of the crabs in our traps, and hanging around long enough to taunt Dudley.

I finally got some good shots of him this morning, when Kenny and I were out enjoying the sunrise… it set the tone for  the day, and my little dude was as happy and content as he’s ever been.   No more boo-hoo’s…

Enjoy!   (click on the pictures for the best view)


… I like the comparison of his size next to the picnic table…   Kenny calls him “Big Heron Bird!”




3 responses to “Our Gatekeeper”

  1. oh my goodness! so beautiful…can i come visit??? 🙂

  2. Wow…he is a big ‘un! Great shots! We don’t have any resident herons this year… Lots of geese and chicks, though. Oh…and a big bullfrog! (Sarah thinks he’s a cow)

  3. Not only is it cool that the Blue Heron hangs out there, but let’s talk about those gorgeous photos you took! You have talent, girl!

    Jane, P&B Girls