
… had an unfortunate incident as we were packing up the car to go on our much-awaited vacation to the Outer Banks.   We noticed an oozing from his most recent bandage, and so we took him to an emergency vet en route to North Carolina.   And wouldn’t you know it… his second set of stitches broke.

This was no fault of ours (we kept the cone on the whole time and kept him still) or his (he couldn’t have licked it if he tried, which he did, and often).   They simply broke.   Ugg.

Now a big part of the reason that we go to the Outer Banks one week off season is because you can have dogs off leash on the beach all day.   And this champion wave runner was now going to be allowed no where near the ocean.   Or the sand.

The emergency vet removed his split stitches and bandaged him, advising that we find a vet at our destination for another surgery.   The vet we found was awesome, and removed the scar tissue and re-sewed him for a (fairly) reasonable fee.   And he didn’t bandage him.   Turns out, according to this doc, the bandages themselves may very well have been the problem, as they were constantly rubbing his ankle and irritating the stitches.   So he is now stitched and it looks so much better.   He seems much happier too, as I think the bandage was itching him to death.   But still no sand, no surf, no wild runs in the crashing ocean.   He knows what he’s missing, too, because he smells the air here.   My poor, sweet Duds…
