Though it’s hard to complain to be back, as it’s a quintessential early fall day here on our little creek off the Chesapeake Bay… 68 degrees, sunny and breezy, flocks of birds flying overhead and the occasional renegade fishing boat heading out under the bridge.
Our week in the Outer Banks was wonderful, and it flew by! Kenny loved every moment of ultra-attention from both sets of grandparents, and Casey and I loved that we could go for a long walk on the beach alone. We all managed a little end-of-summer tan. We drank fine wine, ate wonderful dinners (we took turns cooking, each trying to outdo the last) and with the brisk day here, I fell content to look forward to autumn ahead.
It’s funny, we’ve spent the last two years in Arizona over the winter (a fun quirk in Casey’s job), and we have decided not to go this year. Waking up to a 52 degree thermometer this morning reminded me that I may actually have to wear a winter coat this year…
Another funny… now that Kenny has turned two, I am realizing that my former ecstatic baby-record blogging has slowed down a little. The milestones are, for the most part, done. Oh, he started talking with proper pronouns this week… “I don’t like potatoes!” and “You go sit over there, Mommy. I want to play here.” and “Where you been, Mama?” But at Kenny’s two-year-old physical this morning, our pediatrician pretty much outlined the rest of his development in years, rather than months. And I guess it’s time to refer to his age in years rather than months, too.
So I am faced with a blogging-dilemma… I can no longer rely merely on Kenny’s achievements and antics to fill the posts on this blog, and I am going to have to start filling it out with more of our lives in general as a family. It’s strange, thinking that where it was once easy to fill my thoughts with All Kenny, All the Time, I am now forced to add in more than relay of charming information. In my week off from writing (and reading Mommy blogs), I was suddenly struck with the reality that I want to write about more and different things. So I have a hunch that this blog is going to begin evolving a little.
I guess that’s natural, right? My little blog is growing up…