Wednesday Book Club

Here at MommyBlog headquarters (aka, the  desk I share with my husband), I am often asked to read and review books and post the reviews on my website.   I haven’t done too many so far, mostly dur to moving back and forth across country, and to a certain small boy who did not start taking naps until he was 14 months old.     Ah, but he’s consistantly napping (for now!) and I have resolved to no longer devote all his naptimes to my obsessive house cleaning, and instead to devote at least two naptimes a week to other productive activities.   A hobby, if you will.   So I finally have the time to both read more and write more!

The last book I received for  a review was  the chuckle-worthy, yet “soberingly” informative, The Newly Non-Drinking Girls Guide to Pregnancy, byt Jackie Rose and Caroline Angel RN, PhD.   I was all set to post my review (and segue into announcing I was pregnant)  the week I had my second miscarriage.   I just couldn’t bring myself to post it then.   So it will follow this post,  much delayed, and with my apologies to the authors.

In that vein, I intend to start posting Book reviews every Wednesday.   I have a small stack of them waiting, which I have  already received, and I hope to hear from you writers out there with more requests.   Please contact me via this website and submit your information and I will contact you about the details.   I will also offer my thoughts on books whose authors have not asked for my review or opinion.   Just to have some fun.

I love to read – I can usually consume a novel a week, plus periodicals and Bible reading  – and I often end a good yarn wishing I could talk about it with someone.   I am not a member of a book club, mostly because I haven’t found one, and I don’t necessarily want to read a book over the course of 5 or 6 weeks just to discuss it.     But I do love the idea of reviewing books!     So here is a new challenge I hope I can stick to.



2 responses to “Wednesday Book Club”

  1. I love this picture!!

  2. […] kristjana wrote an interesting post today on Wednesday Book ClubHere’s a quick excerptThe last book I received for a review was the chuckle-worthy, yet “soberingly” informative, The Newly Non-Drinking Girls Guide to Pregnancy, byt Jackie Rose and Caroline Angel RN, PhD. I was all set to post my review (and segue into … […]