We bought Kenny a “big boy bed” several weeks ago, and after much ado, it finally arrived today! It arrived minutes before nap-time, and though I had garnered every possible necessity in order to allow him to sleep in it from moment one, wouldn’t you know that I neglected to get anything to go between the mattress and the bed itself. Duh. I knew I didn’t want a box spring yet, but I hadn’t figured that without one, the mattress would sink right through the bed frame slats.
So after much cajoling, we convinced Kenny to sleep in his crib “one more time” and I ran out to buy a “bunkie board”, load it in the car, and race it home by the time he woke up. The moment he awoke, we put the bed together safely, bed rails on the side and all, and he was one happy kid. He bounced on it, rolled on it and generally hugged it for close to an hour. “MY BASE BALL BIG BOY BED!” he shouted, bouncing for emphasis.
I’ll have to post a picture of it when I remember… it’s the coolest boy bed I’ve ever seen – the headboard and footboard are made of wooden baseball bats. I splurged and bought the Pottery Barn Kids “Junior Varsity” comforter, and found some boyish light blue sheets to match at Target. All of the sudden, it’s a dream bed for a kid.
I wasn’t sure if we’d need a few nights to “transition” from the crib to the bed, so we didn’t take the crib apart today. I guess with all the travel this little wanderer has experienced, and all the cribs, beds, pack-n-plays and whatnot he’s slept in around the US (and England) he was pretty confident jumping right into the bed this evening and snuggling in. I read him his books in bed tonight, instead of in our regular chair, then we nestled together under the covers for prayers. After two, Kenny said, “You go sleep in your bed, Mama.” and rolled over. He was nearly asleep before I turned out the light.
The other victory is one that we’ve been working on for a month or two. Kenny finally pooped in his potty. He’s been peeing in it, albeit inconsistently, since we bought it in June, but has firmly refused to do the Two. But tonight he started doing it by accident while he was peeing (he’s still tinkling sitting down), and after some sweet insistence and encouragement on my part, he sat there for fifteen minutes, reading his little potty book, until, in his words, “All done! Poops all out!”
Victory, times two.
3 responses to “Victory, Times Two”
Way to go Kenny!!!
Yeah Kenny!! Hope everything with Casey is going well.
I used “Little People” figures and put a raisin in the tiny potty to show my daughter to go pooh. She wanted to do the same as what we acted out with the tiny figures and it worked! Good job Kenny!