In Vicky Iovine’s hysterical book The Girlfriends’ Guide to Pregnancy, there is a chapter titled, “Pregnancy is a total body experience.” When I was pregnant with Kenny, I was horribly nauseous weeks 8 through 10 (with one last day at the end fo week 12), I had wicked indigestion in the third trimester, and I craves potato chips all the time. Otherwise, it was smooth sailing. This one is a little different.
I’ve been sick since week 6… in fact, weeks 6 through 9 I was sick from the time I woke up to the time I went to bed. Week 10 was a reprieve, and now I’ve had bouts of awful nausea through week 11 and closing in on 12. Dizzy spells, too. As in, I’m in the middle of a conversation with someone, or in the middle of reading to Kenny, and I have this strange vertigo that almost makes me keel over.
The constant indigestion has been surprising this time, too… I can’t stop burping! And I won’t mention what else I can’t stop doing. At least Kenny thinks it’s funny.
Then there’s the hair. I can’t quite figure it out. It didn’t change at all when I was pregnant with Kenny, but now I’ve got a mop I hardly recognize. I went in to get touch-up highlights last weekend (my roots were desperate!), and not all of the toner took, so I’ve got about 40 shades of blond and brass (and one white streak that looks grey) mixed in with the natural mousy brown. Not only that, but about half of my head is now quite wavy. When I was pregnant in March, there was a one inch square patch behind my right ear that started to wave… it never went away, and it was almost a tender reminder of that lost baby. But now there are lots of locks joining the wave. If you drew a line across the back of my head from ear to ear, it’s wavy. The rest is still stick straight. That’s fun. So much for a wash-n-go ‘do.
There’s nothing wash-n-go about my face, either, which resembles me a’la age sixteen. You can see my pores across the room.
Finally, my poor neglected abdominal muscles are getting their revenge. I look easily four months pregnant. And I’m only 12 weeks. With Kenny, I rounded out before I “popped” so I simply wore pants a size larger. This time, though, my hips and rear haven’t really changed, there’s just a small cantaloupe poking out from my shirt. So my low-rider pants still fit perfectly, and I can’t wear a single one of my shirts or sweaters (all extra-smalls). I bought a few new sweaters in a bigger size, but rather than hide, they accentuate my budding belly. I guess I’d better get used to it, because it’s only getting bigger!
I’m actually getting a kick out of it all. Frankly, I don’t care if my hair turns green and my derriere turns to jelly, as long as I carry a healthy baby to term. Vanity be gone! I am so in love with this little bean that’s making me burp and retch and want to sleep all day. I take it as a loving reminder from the little one that he or she is in there, doing just fine.
3 responses to “Total Body Experience”
I’m so glad that you wrote tonight. i was just upstairs soothing Little Bear when you came to mind and I said a little prayer for you and your tiny baby. Embrace the baby belly and show it off!
BTW, I have some maternity jeans and maybe some pants you are welcome to if you are interested. I’m sure I’ll see your sis sometime in the next couple of weeks. I’d have to look to see if there are any shirts worth sharing. Most of my cute tops are summer weather, but I might have something for cooler weather that I’ve forgotten.
Kristjana, your changes make me remember and laugh. With Barbara, most of my fillings fell out of my teeth, and my hair fell out. With all the babies, my feet grew, until my mother told me to stop before I had skis. Fortunately, everything returned to relative normalcy eventually (although I had quite a dental bill). The good news is that I’m sure you are experiencing all the changes due to hormonal changes from an extremely healthy baby. I can’t wait until you look like you swallowed a basketball. 🙂
yes pregnancy and babies to wonder to our bodies (both good and not so good) but having a healthy baby is what takes the cake! great post!!!! :o)