Ok, so I’ve been absent for an official 2 weeks… my longest ever blog hiatus. It turns out that the beach house we stayed in for the first leg of our vacation had no internet access, and with a Hawaiian paradise outside, who could face the dim interior of an internet cafe?? So here we are in part two of our trip – sharing a gorgeous condo with both my parents and Casey’s parents. Casey and I have just put Kenny down for a nap (which he’s taken with gusto everyday of our vacation – hooray for sunshine and exercise!), and we are sitting on the lanai in the cool afternoon shade.
I toyed with the idea of trying to write some entries to retro-post, but … how about I just pick up from here on out?
First, a huge apology to the thirty some odd emails I have from readers who have written to me through the “contact” page on this site; whose letters and sweet notes have gone unacknowledged… I promise to get to them all, it just may take a while! Thanks for your patience, and keep writing in!
Second, though we’ve taken about 200 pictures, none yet have made it from the camera to the laptop, so they will come in good time. Suffice to say that we have all gotten very tan, Casey learned to surf, and Kenny is the King of the Boogie Board. Oh, and I finally look authentically pregnant, not just like I’ve been eating too many doughnuts. That, in spite of the fact that Kenny now believes that “breakfast” is synonymous with “pancakes and bacon” and “dinner” is a code word for “let’s take a walk and get ice cream afterwards.” Oh, that kid is going to be so disappointed when we get home.
This trip has been a dream vacation. It’s the first time we’ve been to a beach area when we can actually spend more than an hour at the beach without Kenny melting down. We’ve been able to play and swim and run for hours, picnic on the beach blanket, then mosey “home” for a nap (Casey and I have each gone through 4 novels), back to the beach for the late afternoon sun, then off to dinner at various restaurants around the island. We’ve been walking 5 or 6 miles a day (Kenny’s favorite spot is on Casey’s shoulders), and eating at both family-oriented beach joints and fancy restaurants alike.
Kenny has actually make it through 3 “fine dining” evenings with flying colors – eating mostly the bread and butter which is never in short supply, but also tasting different kinds of fish and meat and sauces that he’s never had before. All this, of course, with the recurrent promise of ice cream after dinner if he eats enought to satisfy Mommy that he isn’t going to die of scurvy before the trip is through.
3 responses to “Mama Does the Hula”
Glad to hear you are doing well! Keep on relaxing and tell your parents Hello! from us.
Sounds fun. We had two nice days here that were in the 70’s… now it is back to the 30’s… blah! Miss you guys….
sounds like a dream vacation for sure…..wonderful sharings – thank you!