Outer Banks


We arrived home safe and sound a few hours ago, and I am exhausted.   What a wonderful trip!   Casey, Kenny, Dudley and I went to the Outer Banks with two other families – there were 6 adults, 8 kids (ranging in age from 5 weeks to 10 years old) and two large-breed dogs among us.   It was chaotic and wonderful.   Though I never did have time to write on this blog, there was much time for good conversation, tons of food and a few good books thrown in.

Kenny had the time of his life: he was the only boy, and was adored and doted on by all the little ladies in attendance.   He gets along especially with two of the little girls – one a year older and one a year younger – and he played and played to the hilt.   It may take us a week to get all the sand out of his hair, but a week “with the gur-ils” (as he says) will fuel him much longer.

As much fun as we all had, however, Dudley definitely had the best vacation of his life.   He ran mile after mile every day, chasing tennis balls, wading in the surf, and going on long walks in the sand.

A few highlights: (click on the pictures for a better view)


While the adults mainlined coffee to wake up in the wee sunlit hours, Kenny and Kiana read quietly on the couch and contemplated the day…


Kenny and his betrothed, Ruthie, enjoy a romantic walk on the shore…


Pure joy and silliness…


Watching dolphins in the sunrise…


3 responses to “Outer Banks”

  1. Gramma Avatar

    So glad you all had such a great time! Faces look so happy and relaxed. Love the pics, especially Kenny on the surfboard. Love, Gramma

  2. Those are wonderful pictures! Hubby and I got engaged on a trip (with his sister and her family) to the Outer Banks!

  3. :roll:Hi there your pictures are great I’m Divorced single mom want to get involved in the mommy blog i have a 2 and a half little girl love her there great want to get in touch with other moms out there and share stories. Let me know if your interested in talking i’m from connecticut were are u guys from?