At my OB visit today (those funny 5-minute deals they drag you in for every week at this point… really… is the thirty-minute round trip drive worth it??), I was declared, “Still doing well.” The good doctor confirmed the positives of my “pelvic architecture” and made the prediction that I would do “very well” in a natural delivery, as long as everything progressed as it should. He also noted that I’d lost a few pounds since my last visit – normal, he said, as the tiny tummy can’t fit much at this point (a point I celebrated an hour later with a gigantic fresh, warm donut).
Upon examination, he declared me about 75% effaced and not more than 1 centimeter dilated. Not bad for 36 weeks. He also reminded me that he’s going on vacation until June 23. As in, “If you decide to go into labor before that, who knows what doc on call may attend you.” This is crucial, as since I am going for a natural VBAC, I don’t want a scalpel-happy physician trying to convince me I need to hop to the OR when it’s not completely necessary. So maybe I should hold off a little on the deep knee bends until the 22nd or so…
At any rate, I have an ultrasound scheduled for the 24th to double check this little bean’s body size and cranial measurements. It would be nice if I could show up at that appointment already 4 centimeters along and just check in afterward. The hospital is 30 minutes away, and I have had nightmares about not getting there in time and delivering in a parking lot. Remind me not to watch “Amazing Births” on the Discovery Health channel anymore…