Date Night


Last night Casey and I decided to do a family date night… after all, who knows how many more chances we’ll have to go out on the town with just the four of us??

(Dudley is one of the four, in case you are counting…)


We sat outside at our favorite restaurant, then walked for ice cream cones at a shop owned by some friends of ours from church.   It was just what we all needed – the weather was perfect and we laughed and just enjoyed each other.   And most important, Kenny got some special attention and felt very much like a big boy being out on the town…



So, now I’m ready to   have the baby.   I’ll be 38 weeks on Tuesday, and I think that if there was a magic button I could push to send me into labor, I’d be pounding on it right now.   Contractions, cramps, fatigue… blah blah blah…   I was doing pretty stellar with this pregnancy until last weekend.   Whether it was the heat wave (it was 100 degrees here with a heat index of 110!) or just the fact that this little bean is getting to outgrow the incubation space I don’t know, but I’m DONE.   I can’t imagine going another 2 and a half weeks.   Yikes.