Cooper Has Cool Hair

Truly, it’s the first comment I get when people, friends and strangers alike, see him.   It’s most striking when he’s in the baby bjorn and all you see are the feet sticking out the bottom, and the hair sticking out the top.   It still has it’s crazy frosted tips, too.    Cooper is one good-lookin’ dude.

I also realized tonight that we have very few pictures of Cooper from the last two weeks.   Partly because the rash on his face really jumps out on film, but also partly because we are barely keeping up with housework and Kenny-work and who can ever find the camera??   Here are a few, though, for the Grands…




 Cooper loves to help fold laundry…   Hey, the housework’s got to get done somehow…


Kenny actually took this one!   Click on it for a great shot of how long Cooper’s hair is…


Cooper likes to help Daddy work, too!

The little man is doing great!   He slept all night again last night… even through a ferocious hail storm that woke Casey and I.   Casey went in and brought Kenny into our bed, sure that he would wake up scared, but he slept right through it, too.   It was kind of fun waking up this morning with five in the bed.   (Dudley wasn’t about to be left out of that party!)

But, alas, it’s close to bedtime and that means that Cooper wants to drink, drink, drink!   Casey is doing is best at bouncing, singing and pacifying, but I think he’s reached his limits.   And with that, goodnight!


3 responses to “Cooper Has Cool Hair”

  1. Cooper’s hair is awesome and all the pictures are great! We had our neighborhood pool party today so Maddox went to spend some time with grandma and grandpa- it’s 100 degrees here today. It was nice to have a quality day with our three girls splashing around in the pool.He slept all day for them and now is wide awake and cranky. It’s OK though because we missed him so much! Your couch looks like my bed – laundry never ends especially with three fashion divas! Have a good weekend!

  2. Love the pics, especially the kiss. Love you all, Gramma and Papa

  3. Julie Schmidt Avatar
    Julie Schmidt

    Kristjana! I love seeing your pics and reading about how you’re doing – looks wonderful and challenging at the same time! Adam and Elizabeth just returned from S.Korea where they adopted Olive 2 weeks ago, so I’m in baby-mode recently! bless you! xo julie