… he would say, “Gee, Mom. I’ve been trying to tell you for months… stop tying me up to go to sleep for goodness sakes! Set me free! Let me cry for a minute. I LOVE sleep. Just let me do it my way!”
I mentioned a few posts back that with the new year I decided to stop swaddling Cooper and stop rocking him to sleep for bed and naptimes. Trying to get him to sleep was getting out of control: he wasn’t napping and was waking up all night. So we let him be free to roll around (and sleep on his tummy) and VOOM: He had been taking naps like clockwork and sleeping at night like a champ. Sure, he cries for a bit: usually 5 to 10 minutes to settle down to nap, then hardly a whimper at bedtime, but he’s been napping in two-hour stretches and sleeping from 8 to 6ish, nursing, then settling in until 8 or 8:30 to wake for the day.
It’s a whole new world.
Kenny never napped. That is, he stopped napping at 8 weeks and started again at 14 months. But I always tried to nurse him to sleep. The poor little rascal was so darn tired, he’d always fall asleep nursing, and I’d carefully try to lay him down, then *wham* he’d startle awake screaming and that would be it. I didn’t know any different. Grr. Now with Cooper actually sleeping during the day and night, I have a whole new ream opened up to me. I can play with Kenny. Do chores. Darn it, I may even pick up a hobby. Ok, I’m not going that far. But it was fun to dream for a minute…
Now if only Kenny hadn’t given up his naps so soon…
3 responses to “If Cooper Could Talk…”
Awesome! My kids were all reflux babies and wouldn’t sleep on their backs for long. My 5 month old essentially slept on her tummy from day one. Of course, now she’s mastered the art of rolling from stomach to back but can’t go the other way now. UGH! We’re having issues with that during naptime now. AAAAHHH!!!!
Your kids sound like mine. My daughter was the queen of a 30 minute nap twice a day, no more than that! My son LOVES his sleep. It is so nice to have that time to spend doing some things or spending time with the older child. Glad you have a new rhythm to your world. Enjoy!
You must feel like a new person! What a relief that he is finally sleeping for you!