First off, congratulations to Elizabeth of Hearth, Hearts and Home, whose vignette on her daughter’s ability to sing in her sleep is the latest to be featured in “Mommy Story of the Week.” Click on the link in the sidebar, and don’t be shy to submit your own! New stories are posted each week.
As for my talented little munchkin, out of the blue, while standing in line at the grocery store today, counted to ten out loud for the first time. Wow. I count to ten everytime we okay hide and seek, and he loves to say his “Num-bahs!” out loud. Up until now, he’s been counting everything “wun-two, wun-two!” but today in the grocery cart, he looked at the things I was placing on the belt and the inspiration sprung forth: “Wun. To. Free. Fowa. Five. Seek. Seben. Ate. Niiiiine. Tenn!” I looked up at him in surprise, and then sputtered, “Did you just count to ten?” “Num-BAHS!” he answered, smiling from ear to ear. Then, as if on a roll, he shouted, “A B C D E F G!!!” The checker, a nineteen-year-old with more piercings than ten looked unimpressed. I was quivering with praise. He did it several more times today after Casey got home, and Casey was even more proud than I. What a kid.
In fact, there seems to be little that Kenny doesn’t “pick up” in the course of a day. Shortly after he woke up from his nap today, we had a record number of rings on the doorbell: a friend of mine stopping by, the airconditioner repairman, the post man, the repairman again and then the Fed Ex guy. Keep in mind that Dudley goes slightly deranged when he hears the doorbell or sees a “stranger” on the front step. On the fifth ring, as Dudley was attempting to tear down the door with his teeth, I muttered, ‘Oh, for Goodness Sakes!” The Fed Ex guy delivered a box, whose contents were padded in mounds of that little styrofoam popcorn. As pieces floated to the floor, Kenny lifted up his arms in glee, yelling, “Sakes! Sakes!” Picking up a few pieces, he started running in circles, ‘Sakes, Mama!” I let him play for a few minutes, then said, “Ok, Buddy. We’ve got to head out to the grocery store.” Kenny looked up, hope and excitement filling his face: “Mama? Sakes? Kenny hold some Sakes?” Yes, folks… Kenny wanted to take the precious “sakes” with him everywhere for the rest of the day.
On a more serious note, he got a mosquito bite on his ear on Saturday in the exact same spot where his Staph infection was last month. Over the last 48 hours it’s gotten considerably swollen and red, and we visited his doctor / angel, this morning for a verdict. She is unconvinced that it’s Staph again, but to be safe he is on an oral antibiotic and a topical one, and on close watch from me and Casey, with the instructions to go straight to the hospital if it gets any worse. So far it’s holding steady, thank God, and we are praying hard that it will only get better from here on out.
We are now considering moving to any part of the world where mosquitos don’t exist. Are there places where mosquitos don’t exist? Last year here in Arizona, we saw nary a bug, but this year, due to a cool and damp winter, they are breeding out of nowhere. So much for the desert…
6 responses to “A-B-C… as Easy as 1-2-3..”
Aww, I’m praying for little Kenny-boo…. and Auntie Kim is so proud of him!!! I loved the movie mom brought home of him talking up a storm… I think he is the smartest 1 yr old ever. Go Kenny, do your Num-bahs! Go Kenny…. 😀
Hey – we do NOT have mosquitoes in Albuquerque, NM unless you live in the valley by the river. I have not had a bite in 17 years. We have lovely weather, usually very mild winters (although this year was an exception) and virtually no bugs. Well, we do have a fly explosion in June and June bugs for a short time. But compared to everywhere else, they are practically nonexistent. Maybe next year Albuquerque could be your winter home – with an aunt and uncle to spoil all of you!! You would have built in babysitters. Could Casey work out of NM? – or are you just joshing us? =) Albuquerque is much less expensive than Phoenix also. You could take trips to Santa Fe and visit Taos. NM is one of the most beautiful places to live. Well, enough. You get the picture. 😳
Mosquitoes? ugh. Me and those things DON’T.GET.ALONG! I get nervous if I spot one that snuck in the house. I start following him and do my best to squash that sucker. I remember when I was on jury duty in Charleston, SC for a month (mid-Aug to mid-Sept in 2001). It was hot and when we went out for lunch I’d take walks. Mosq. always found me.
The story about Kenny and his ABC’s and 123’s is great! I’ll probably be my son’s cheerleading section when he does that. Not too long ago, Joshua (14mo) started putting the little orange ball through the leap frog basketball hoop (It says ABC’s, etc every time the ball goes thru). What’s funny about it is that he’ll put the ball in the hoop 2-3 times, then he’ll quit and just put his fingers on the thing INSIDE the hoop that activates the ABC’s. Forget the ball!
That’s so cute… you are doing such a good job with him. He’s learned so much and will only continue to do so.
That’s my grandson!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Go Kenny. Love, Grammie
I just found your blog…cute and beautiful stories about being a mom! Sorry about your little guy’s bug bite. My nephew’s eye swelled shut from a mesquito bite. The doc said anything to the face can have a bad reaction. Hope its better soon.
Loved to hear about the numbers…that brings back some nice memories. My oldest just turned 13…time flys.
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