A Nutshell

This is going to have to be short.   We arrived home yesterday afternoon, happy and exhausted, and have been going nonstop since.  

You see, we have the unique opportunity with Casey’s job to go live in Arizona for three months, just as we did last year, and we leave this week.   How about that for scheduling?   We were planning to have Casey fly Dudley out on Friday, and Kenny and I would follow him out on Saturday.   But you see, airlines won’t fly dogs if the temperature is below 45 degrees.   And Friday’s projected high is 38.   So it turns out, Casey and Dudley are leaving tomorrow to drive out, and Kenny and I will catch our originally scheduled flight on Saturday.   We have spent the evening packing the car, and trying to lull the super-jet-lagged Kenny to something close to sleep.  

So here’s the Hawaii wrap-up:   (and I’m having trouble getting photos on here today, so I’ll have to post those later!)

I ran my race.   I actually did far better than my goal:   I hoped to finish with a respectable 10 minute mile pace, and ended up flying through the finish line at 1:23:55… that’s a 9-minute-mile, my friends!   So I was thrilled.   I couldn’t walk the next day, mind you, but I was thrilled.

Our last days were gorgeous, fantastic, dreamy.   The trip home was only delayed three hours, so we counted ourselves graced.     But now, alas, with our tans quickly fading, Casey running around the house trying to fit “one more thing” in the car, Kenny wailing in his crib, “But it’s only 6 in Maui!!” and   me, fighting off the urge to eat ice cream to deal with the stress, we prepare, a little earlier than we thought, for our next family adventure.   I’ll write more tomorrow night when I can think more clearly, and hopefully post some pictures from our last days there.




One response to “A Nutshell”

  1. Glad to see you got home safely. I will keep you and your future travels in my prayers.