Amazing (if not intentional) Belly Tricks

I have a distinct memory of being pregnant with Kenny – I had to be at least 8 months along – and sitting in a meeting with Casey about the renovation on our house, watching in astonished (and slightly embarrassed) awe as my belly started to move like there was an alien inside, aching to get out.   For about ten full minutes, you could see feet sweep from side to side, the head bulge in one direction, then an indisguisable hiney rise up in another.   I remember the builder trying hard not to stare and me, unsure of whether or not to say something, or just play it cool.

Yesterday, at 25 weeks, this little tiger started the antics.   I thought it was subtle enough for only me to notice, but while sitting on Kenny’s floor playing today, he looked up at me and said, “Is Baboo kicking you right now?”   I showed him and he put his hand out to touch, then moved it away as soon as he felt the movement.   “Did you feel that?”   “Yeah.”   “Was it funny?”  I asked.  “Is he coming out now?” Kenny demanded.   When I said, “Not for a little while longer” he moved away, as if it was all a little too weird that Mommy’s belly was moving by itself.   I tried to get him to touch it again, but he didn’t want to.

Kenny has been fascinated with “Baboo” since we told him we were having a baby, and more and more as the belly grows.   He likes to lift up my shirt and “kiss Baboo” and is constantly asking me, “What’s Baboo saying right now?”   as if I have the inside (ha ha) scoop.   He’s starting to show a little protective concern, too.   A few times I’ve mentioned that I’m tired, or he’s seen me wince and touch my belly, and he’ll ask, “Is Baboo hurting you?   You say not to do that.”   I always explain that the baby isn’t hurting me, but that sometimes it’s tiring growing a baby in your belly.   Then I talk about being pregnant with him, or about when he was first born.   It’s strange, because I’m not really sure how much a two-and-a-half year-old is comprehending about all of this, but I’m trying to give him the benefit of the doubt.   He’s such a verbal little kid, and asks so many questions, it doesn’t seem fair to brush them off with trite answers.


On another note, I’m so appreciative of all the comments and emails you all have sent about c-sections, VBACs, and general encouraging words.   Keep them coming!!