And Now For a Change in Venue…

… well, not a change really.   But it looks like we’re in the hospital again.   First me (twice), then Casey, then Dudley, and now my poor, sweet Kenny.   In fact, I am writing from the “family” computer in the pediatric ward’s waiting room.   Kenny developed a swollen and violently red ear yesterday, which I got him into the doctor for right away.   She determined that it was an infected insect bite, and sent us home with a prescription.   This morning, his ear was nearly three times the size it should be, fire-engine red, and the other ear was begining to swell as well.   Back to the pediatrician’s office, where we were sent directly to be admitted overnight in the hospital. The doctor on call here determined that it is most likely a Staph infection, and he is on some pretty heavy antibiotics, via I.V.

Tell me this isn’t really happening.   Tell me that I’ve been inundated with too much Sanjaya nonsense on what used to be legitimate news outlets, and I’m going insane.   Tell me anything except that my precious little boy has his arm strapped to a board with an entire roll of duct tape and needles poking into his perfect baby skin.

He’s doing well, all considering.   He took a two and a half hour nap, dozing with me on the hospital bed.   For the last two hours this evening he’s been dancing off the walls and doing backflips in his bed, trying to escape.   And we might be here more than one night.

I’ll have to continue this update later, as I need to get back and relieve poor Casey, who is, by this time no doubt, having his eyebrows plucked out by Kenny’s good hand.     I always thought that “things” came in threes, and with my miscarriage, then my diagnosis of needing gallbladder removal surgery (which is scheduled for next tuesday), then Casey taking a micro-trip to the ER last week, that we were done.   But then again, Dudley ended up in the puppy hosptal for his vomiting episode… and now this.   I’m not qute sure where we fit  in all this  in the Master Plan, but I know that God does.   Thank God, He does.


6 responses to “And Now For a Change in Venue…”

  1. Wow! At the thought of poor Kenny lying in that hospital bed with IV’s in his arm, it makes me want to throw up. It also makes me think of Tyler and how I would react if it was myself there. My heart really goes out to Kenny, Casey and you. You have had a rough month to say the least. I will keep your family in my thoughts and prayers today. Hang in there!

  2. Oh no. I’m so sorry. I’ll be praying for you………

  3. I’m praying, sweet friend. Remember that God loves Kenny EVEN MORE than you do. Now that’s a lot of love. . .
    Time to come home!!

  4. The whole church is praying and even the church in Russia. They are meeting tonight and the Pastor is on a 5 day fast (for easter)  and is also fasting and praying for Kenny. We are too and we love you all bunches!! Mommie

  5. Aunt Syl Avatar
    Aunt Syl

    I wish I could take this pain away from you and Casey. It is easier for you to be in pain yourself, than to see your child suffer. You (the WHOLE family) are in everyone’s thoughts and prayers. Soon it will be warm and you will be home with your parents and sister nearby to support and uplift you. Kenny is such a “boy” that I’ll bet he is not slowed down too much by an inconvenient IV. 🙂 I thank God for medical knowledge to heal you all. Love, Aunt Syl

  6. You HAVE been inundated with too much Sanjaya nonsense. And I’m so sorry all of this is happening to you guys right now. We’re praying for the little guy’s health and for your sanity and peace!