As if the alligators, cranes and herons were not enough, today on our morning walk, Casey, Kenny, Dudley and I saw a panther. Yes, a real, live, Florida Panther, crossed the street not more than 2o feet away from us. He was the same color as Dudley, but significantly larger, and was terrifying and beautiful all at once.
Later, my mother-in-law confirmed that this panther has indeed been spotted several times in the neighborhood. I also learned that they are an endangered species and there are less than 80 currently living in the wild in Florida.
My MIL also told me that there is an armadillo living in the tree just outside the lanai, but assured me that though he is big and ugly, he moves very slowly. Unfortunately, armadillos are prey to panthers, and I am sincerely hoping that our panther sighting was a solitary event. Kenny was charmed by the giant “kitty cat” who crossed our path, but Casey and I are a little dubious. For now, I’ll take the bunnies and squirrels and giant sand hill cranes.
2 responses to “Animal Kingdom, Continued…”
Belle and I just read the chapter in Little House when Pa finds a panther. I told her I hoped I’d never see one up close!
Hi, welcome to sunny Florida (I’m a native). That is pretty neat that you saw a panther, I’ve yet to see one. Anyway I just wanted to say hi and tell you that I love your blog. Also, I don’t know where you are in South Florida, but if you are near Butterfly World (off of Sample Road) it is a great place to visit. One more place – Young At Art Children’s Museum. I hope you enjoy your stay 🙂