Kenny is home and definitely on the mend. He swings from wildly happy and normal to clingy and tired like a yo-yo, but going to bed tonight he was in one of his silly-sweet-lovey moods.
The doctors did finally figure out what he has, too! It turns out that his Staph infection is merely the epidermal type: this means that he essentially got it from himself, as many people carry the Staph bacteria on their skin. He either had a scrape or a bug bite (most likely on his ear) that he itched and scratched in just the right way as to bury the little bacterial bugs deep in there and spread it around his poor skin like a weed. He will be on an antibiotic for the next seven days to kill it off completely, though you can hardly even see where it was just a few days ago. He has had wicked diarrhea (from the medicine), and has thrown up a little, but he is a tough little bugger, and will be back to his old shenanigans in no time, no doubt.
So, as promised, here are a few of the photos I took of the last six days…
This is what his ear looked like the morning I decided that it was more than just a bad bug bite, and took him back to the pediatrician. We were sent to the hospital a few hours later.

… and the hospital food was pretty good! This shot is right after his first I.V. went in. You can see that his right arm is taped to a board.
… a post lunch nap…
… and a little playtime with Buttons the Bunny, a gift from the hospital. He later threw up all over this poor bunny (during the horrible morning they were trying to get another I.V. going), and it was thrown away. They replaced it with a green one, whom Kenny called “Buttons, too!”
A wagon ride. Notice the I.V. trailing behind. This was the only way he could leave the room, since at this point his foot was bound and he couldn’t walk.
… he got a little tired of the wagon…
But he was all smiles when we got home! It’s so good to be home…
So now I have one more day before I am shuttling myself back to the hospital for my surgery. Casey’s parents are arriving tomorrow to help with Kenny, and I am trying to get a week’s worth of catch-up done in a day. It’s amazing how much we take our little lives and schedules for granted, isn’t it? Suddenly the laundry and the dusting don’t seem as pressing as they did a week ago…
Happy Easter, too! I have a lot more to day about Easter, but I will have to organize those thoughts another time.
7 responses to “Another Drama Comes to a Close”
Awww… those pictures just break my heart. I just want to cuddle little Kenny and kiss his little ear. I’m so thankful that he is home and almost better. I am praying for your surgery tomorrow. Mom is off having her eye fixed as we speak. (((Hugs))) and love to all of you.
He is super cute. Im glad he is home and feeling better. I am also glad you have family coming to help you! Yeah! Good luck with everything!
I read your website everyday and Kenny is adorable. I’m glad he is feeling better! I’m sure the hospital told you this, but acidophilus powder is very helpful for the diahhrea. My mom was a pediatric nurse and she told me about it. Acidophilus is the natural culture found in yogurt. It offsets the things the antibiotics do to sensitive baby tummies and helped my kids a lot whenever they had to take antibiotics. Just in case you haven’t heard….
I read your website everyday and Kenny is adorable. I’m glad he is feeling better! I’m sure the hospital told you this, but acidophilus powder is very helpful for the diahhrea. My mom was a pediatric nurse and she told me about it. Acidophilus is the natural culture found in yogurt. It offsets the things the antibiotics do to sensitive baby tummies and helped my kids a lot whenever they had to take antibiotics. Just in case you haven’t heard….
Thank you for all of your witnessing! Our prayers continue for you to continue to feel God’s strength, comfort, and love. Jeb (our 22 month old) is trying to jump through the computer screen so he can play with Kenny and the cool cars and wagon.
So glad you’re home, little guy! You really just are the cutest!
Oh my goodness… Kenny is a dream and just too cute!! As a mom of 3 little boys (William is 2 1/2, Alex is 1 1/2 and Benjamin is a week old!) I read your blog and was just so touched by the absolute love you have for your little man. The photo of him in the wagon is too precious… I am so happy for you that he is home. My prayers are with you all. I’m glad I came upon your blog on someone else’s blogroll!
– Audrey