Author: casey

  • Cooper George

    Cooper George 10:05 am. 8 lbs. 3 oz! Hallelujah! Pictures to come! All healthy! All well!

  • Writing From Labor and Delivery

    Updating via blackberry We are on today for a 10:15am! Kristajana looks cute in her little smock. 🙂

  • No Room At the Inn

    By Casey Kristjana was up most of the night with contractions.   Not only was I certain that the baby would be born today, Saturday, we were both pretty sure she was going into full blown labor (not the partial stuff she has been dealing with for 6 weeks).   The way my wife was…

  • Guest Blogging, Kristjana’s husband, Part II

    Hello all.   If you haven’t visited in a couple of days, I am giving Kristjana a little rest, and recapping the days just prior to Kenny’s birth.   When I last left you yesterday, I had gone to bed on Thursday evening September 2nd 2005, feeling awful, 24 hours after stepping on a nail…

  • Guest Post by Kristjana’s husband Casey

    Kristjana is 34!  Good evening Kristjana’s readers.   My wife and I had  a wonderful dinner out tonight in downtown Annapolis.   She is the most gorgeous pregnant woman on the earth (biased I am but it is the truth!). She is also exhausted, so I asked permission if I insert a couple of blog…

  • Guest Posting, by Kristjana’s husband Casey: “A tribute to Maggie”

      Maggie “Mooks”, my parents beautiful golden retriever died today as we are vacationing in the Outer Banks NC.   Mooks was 13 years old and lived an incredible life.   This is important not because Maggie was a good dog (she was a great dog), but because Maggie spanned an incredible time span in…

  • Happy BirthDay Kristjana!

    To anyone who is landing on this site, please note that this is a gift for my wife Kristjana for her birthday on June 25th, 2006.   Stay tuned… Dearest Kristjana, Happy Birthday Boo! Welcome to!   This is your website, the website community for Mommies, hosted by the world’s best Momma. Honey I…