I mentioned a while back that Kenny had a mild obsession with balloons.   What kid doesn’t?   His  balloon radar is  s keen that he will even start earnestly calling, “BOON!   BaOON!” from the backseat of the car when we pass a car dealership having a sale.   Going through the grocery store is a wild symphony of, “Boon!   BaaOOOON!” and “Cracker!”   as we go up and down the aisles.   Yesterday, he finally noticed the red balloon in “Good Night Moon” and it has nearly replaced dancing to Rodney Atkins as the most popular activity of the day.

Everytime he saw the book today, he picked it up, brought it to me and sweetly said, “Boon?”    Then we would walk to the couch where he would say, “UP!” an we would snuggle in for a good read.   Actually, he only lets me read the pages that the balloon actually appears on.   We worked on saying “Balloon” and “Moon” quite a bit though, and by the end of the day, he was able to point to each and say both, “BaOON”  and OON!”   He was quite pleased with himself.  

The poor little guy still doesn’t feel well, and had no appetite today.   He ate nothing but a few crackers and a half piece of cheese.   I tried to sneak some Pedialyte into his sippy cup, but I was chastized with a look from Kenny that told me what he thought of that stuff.   He wouldn’t even touch his favorite pizza at dinnertime.     It’s hard to watch him push the food away, as if there is something he would eat, if only I could think of it.

He seems to be sleeping peacefully so far though, and I hope that a good, long night of sleep will make him as good as new in the morning.   He’s so sweet.   The way his little body melts into mine when we hug and when I hold him.   The way he lays his head on my shoulder with all its weight.   The way he smiles even though you can tell he doesn’t feel well.   I love that kid.

In other news, I’ve signed myself up for a 15-K.   In January.   In Maui.   Now that’s incentive to train!   More on that to come…


3 responses to “BaOON and OON”

  1. momoffour Avatar

    Good luck on your training! I know how hard it is to fit running into a mommy schedule. I have been a runner since I was 8 years old, ran competetively in high school and college. Now I am a stay at home mom of four (ages 8 and under) and it kills me to not be able to run more than 3 times a week. But then, this is a stage of my life that I can never repeat, mothering these precious little gifts, and I have to ask myself where my priorities are! Still, I’d love to train for a marathon! Happy trails!!!

  2. You go girl! It is on moms b-day. 😛 Praying for little Ken to feel better soon. How is Duds?

  3. A 15K! Good for you! Good luck on your training! Maui is definitely a good reward for doing the mileage. Also — thanks for the info on the trashcan. Suddenly the garage is looking like a great place for our waste.