Category: General

  • May Day / Mayday

    May Day In the Historic district of the town where we now live, there is a tradition of hanging May Day flower baskets on your front door or porch, which are judged by the local gardening club.   Judging aside, it’s a gorgeous tradition – how fun to walk through the streets of town when…

  • Struck out Swinging

    Today was not one of my more triumphant days as a mother.   Bitterly magnifying the defeat is the fact that it should have been a day when I was a Hero.   But sometimes even the best player strikes out, right?? I got tickets to take the boys to “A Day Out With Thomas”…

  • Crying Wolf

    Yesterday I was just about 90% sure that I was in labor.   At 10 am I started having contractions that felt like the worst period ever, and they were radiating through my back and down my legs.   I could barely walk or talk at all during them.   I tried all the things…

  • Contact Sports

    Yes, Cooper’s hair still sticks straight up… He’s had at least a dozen haircuts in his 22 months of life, and no matter the length, he always looks a little like he’s just stuck his pinkie into an electric socket. Today Cooper and Kenny were wrestling… something that I, having no brothers, really don’t get,…

  • Voila

    Found camera.   Found cord.   Go Owlz! … Now I just need to start taking some pictures!   We haven’t used the camera since January….

  • A Pound of Flesh

    Ok, not quite a pound… I spent  nine hours today  sitting in a hospital waiting room where Casey faced the day with a gallbladder removal.   The surgery was a success and relatively uneventful, save for a little extra nausea on his part post-op.   Whew.   It’s like deja vu from April 2007 when…

  • Even Mommy Gets the Boo-Hoos

    Mondays are never the easiest day of the week.   There’s always too much to do, and everyone is always bummed to see the weekend come to an end.   Kenny and Cooper seem to consistently get what I call “The Monday Boo-Hoos” the moment they realize that Casey is actually going to work.  …

  • Mommy(blog)

    Last night Casey looked at me and my giant almost 36-week0sized belly and said, “You know, even if you don’t want to, you should try to blog a little, at least in these last few weeks of pregnancy.   You don’t want to lose these memories…” And he’s right. First, there is really no reason…

  • Proverbs

    Kenny and I had some much-needed time together today during Cooper’s naptime.   We were assembling a robot out of this cool little motorized construction set he has, and he was pouring over the directions (which are in picture format – no words).   He scrutinized them for a moment, then looked up and said,…

  • How Many Hours in a Day?

    Yesterday we hit the 7th day since Dudley began treatment for his sarcoptic mange.   (Just typing that gives me the heebie jeebies.)   So I officially lifted the “vacuum the entire house every day and wash every article of clothing in hot water as soon as it’s been worn”  command that we’ve been living…