Category: General
Days… Part II
So we have all been medicated. And though scabies will disappear in two days on treated humans, it takes 10 to 14 days for them to completely leave the dog alone. For that reason, we will need to vacuum and mop everyday until that time (including vacuuming the furniture), and wash all of…
It’s Been One of Those (Couple of) Days…
It all started Wednesday morning. Actually, it started approximately three weeks before that, but it was unknown, so we were ignorantly bliss. Anyway, Dudley had been licking and scratching himself 10 times more than normal, which is really saying a lot, because he is the Canine World Lick Champion. We got a morning…
Kenny is a kid who likes to know what’s going on. All the time. I can’t even so much as mutter absent-mindedly to myself without him saying, “What’d you say, Mama?” Then I’ll repeat it and it will invariably lead to another 20 questions, all because I said something mundane under my…
Miss Perception
We’ve been setting up Christmas decorations all over the house, and have even gotten our Christmas tree up and trimmed. Actually, that’s a work in progress, as daily Kenny and Cooper have taken to rearranging every ornament they can reach! Yesterday Cooper was looking at the tree and pointed to a picture of Santa…
Mommy(blog) Guilt
Yes, yes, I haven’t written in a month again. Truly, not because of any hangups or anything legitimate… it’s more like I kind-of forgot that I had a blog for a while. We’ve been wicked-busy (but who isn’t?) and once again I’ve missed several dozen days worth of mini-milestones and funny foibles. It…
Habits and Hangups
Kenny is a nose-picker. I know that all kids at this age probably are, but he gets into it with such gusto that he actually zones out sometimes when he’s got a good one. Fortunately, he has a pretty good sense of humor about it, too. I will say, “Ya goin’ fishin’ Kenny?”…
Neither Rain Nor Sleet…
This morning Kenny’s pediatrician’s office held it’s first Swine Flu vaccination clinic from 9 to 12. We decided to to there instead of our normal 9 am church service, and when we arrived, there was a line that snaked from the open door of the doctor’s office around the sidewalk and into the parking…
Hop-a-long Coop
Cooper is beginning to figure out how to walk with his cast, in spite of the doctor assuring us that 1). He shouldn’t, and 2). He can’t, given the particular way that they angle the foot in the cast. I actually did ask the doctor what to do if he tried to walk. …
A Little More Drama
We ended up taking Cooper back to the orthopedic doctor today. He’s had no appetite, been cranky and moody and this morning he just collapsed into sobs every time he tried to walk or crawl. They ended up taking off the cast and re-doing it. The first one went right up to…
Though the x-rays were inconclusive, the orthopedic doctor we saw today is fairly certain that there is indeed a fracture in Cooper’s lower leg and he is now in a bright blue cast from his toes to his hip. Waaaaaaa Putting the cast on was akin to what should be illegal torture. I mean,…