Category: General
Freeze Frame
Our camera is broken. It got jammed full of sand in the bottom of the beach bag on our first morning at the beach this past weekend. Waaaa. Casey’s aunt and uncle have a beachfront condo in Ocean City, Maryland, and they offered it to us for the weekend, which we thought…
It Happens (again and again)
I have mentioned a few times before that there is a real reason that “Cooper” rhymes with “pooper.” The sweetest little guy ever, and yet he manages to fill his diaper four or five times a day with what stinketh. And twice now he’s managed to poop on the white carpet in my bedroom…
What will Kenny and Cooper remember most about our 30 hours in New York City? Standing 10 feet away from a giant polar bear in the Central Park Zoo… …and not quite knowing if it’s safe… Feeling 10 feet tall… …then suddenly very small. A bedtime snack, way past bedtime… …and hanging out with Uncle…
Things I forgot to mention
I haven’t been the most consistent of blogger lately. Ok, I’ve gone from posting nearly every day to once a week at best. Summer. Two boys instead of one. Blah blah blah. But I have realized that, if I really do want to preserve this as a Journal/Baby Book for Kenny…
What I couldn’t mention in my Happy Birthday Post to Casey was that I planned a surprise party for him on his birthday! It was actually the most fun and biggest stressor of my summer so far, but it went off without a hitch. First I told him to be home mid-afternoon, because…
High Jumping Over The Hill
My handsome husband, once dubbed “The Catch of the County” by a co-worker, is turning FORTY tomorrow! Feel free to send condolences to him via the comments section. Ha ha. Personally, I think he’s really just turning 35, and has been fooling me with a phony birth date all these years. But…
No shoes, no shirt, no problem
Summertime here on our creek has been hot and steamy most days, and until last night, we were hitting in on some sort of drought. But the lack of rain turned out to be good for crabbing, and in the last two weeks, we’ve had record catches – as of this past Saturday, we…
Grumpy Pants
After Kenny’s sick day this past Monday, we’ve been passing a pair of grumpy pants around the house. This is otherwise known as a viral infection. Kenny was good as new on Tuesday, but Cooper started acting like a banshee again and finally on Thursday I took him back into the doctor where…
Just Say No…
… to WebMD. Seriously. Kenny woke up this morning with a stiff neck. It was the first thing he said when he got out of bed. An hour later he had a respectable fever, and two hours after that was sound asleep in his bed, covers under his chin. The kid…
Mysteries, Solved
1. Never did find the source of the smell, but it’s gone. I think it probably was spilled milk on the carpet, and repeated vacuuming has gotten rid of it. But I have enjoyed reading about all the funny smells you all have discovered in your own houses. The dead opossum…