Children’s Book Review: Sikulu & Harambe

Most of the books I reivew on this website are sent to me by publishers and authors; I read them through, let Kenny flip through them (if they’re children’s books) and pass them on to friends for their comments.   But recently, I received an interesting request from the author of a soon-to-be published children’s book, asking if I would review his book online, as he was looking for press before the book’s actual release.   As much as I spend time online, reading a book online didn’t jazz me at first, but boy am I glad that I did!

Kunle Oguneye is the author of Sikulu & Harambe by the Zambezi River: An African Version of the Good Samaritan Story.   This vivid picture book, for children ages 3 through 8 not only introduces young readers to a beautiful  African folktale, but offers a glossary of new terms included in the book and actual facts about the Zambian culture.  

Sikulu & Harambe are a spider and a hippo who learn the value of overcoming their own fears to help others.   When an elderly woman washing clothes in the river needs help, they go out of their way to come to their aid, in spite of the fact that they have to overcome obstacles to do it.   With colorful and humorous illustrations and unusual characters and names, this new book is sure to capture young imaginations as it transports them to a world so different from their own.

Though not yet available in print, you can read it online now and even reserve a copy.   If your kids are like mine, and love to sit and see what’s on the computer, why not give them a surprise and read them a book online?