It suddenly hit me this weekend that I am going to have a baby. A real baby.
For those of you reading who are new to this blog, I have been virtually pregnant since January 2007. My first miscarriage was in March, I was pregnant again by June, lost twins in July, and then was pregnant again in October. So I have been pregnant for the last 12 out of 16 months. And I still have seven weeks (give or take a few) to go.
Somebody get a Grey Goose martini with extra olives ready for me, will you??
But I’m also really nervous. I’ve been pretty used to being pregnant, but it’s been so long in coming that the thought of actually having the baby seems crazy. What will Kenny think? Will I ever have a date night with my husband again? Will this one nurse every two hours for forty minutes like Kenny did? With Kenny’s exuberant nursing needs, I read nearly two books a week and knew the entire Food Network programing schedule by heart. What will I do this time around? Read to Kenny? Let him watch endless TV and DVDs? Will he suddenly learn to play by himself every time I sit down to nurse?
I’ve been reading several blogs lately by women who have just had their second baby, who have kids Kenny’s age. It’s been encouraging, and I know that it will all work itself out, but it’s hard to picture it right now…
In other news, I don’t think I wrote previously about the chaos we’ve been through at our house as of late. A few weeks ago, we discovered some cracking in part of our foundation, and after a visit from a structural engineer, we ended up having to have one side of our house jacked up two and a half inches and a steel beam inserted below to keep it from slipping again. Yikes. Three nights ago we noticed that the alarm on our sump pump was going off, and we unplugged it. Meaning to plug it right back in after we’d woken up in the morning. But we woke up and left on a trip, and forgot. When we saw a weather report for our area that included flooding, we called a friend to go check on our house. He ended up spending five hours trying to jerry-rig the broken sump pump to save our house from being flooded. He is a saint. We called the contractor who has worked on our house many times before (and who still has a key!) and he came over today to replace it. He is also a saint. What would we do without these two incredible guys in our lives?? Come home to a house full of water, that’s what… In the meantime, our neighbor is keeping a hawk-like watch on things. Disaster averted.
By the way… I’ll write soon about the trip we are on… It’s our first ever trip with other friends with little kids. Now that’s adventure.
6 responses to “Countdown”
So I just talked to a friend today that had 3 successful VBAC’s after her first c-sec. 😀
Hope you are enjoying your vacation!
Hi, I just wanted to comment on how things will change with the new little one arriving. I totally understand all your thoughts and “wonders.” I am a mommie of 4. So funny, each time I was pregnant I worried about how things would change and how my other children would cope with this new little baby that has entered our lives and brought in a new unfamiliar chaos. But in the end it was always the sweetest transition. This new baby was a part of them and life just took a new shape. I can’t say it gets easier but that precious life really makes it all worth while. As I am sure you know already having one precious! Good luck to you and your family!
Thinking of you!! Baby boy #4 is due in 5 weeks!! So looks like we’ll be having babies close in age!!
Ditto on Connie’s view. I’m also having my 4th in a few weeks(obviously a trend):wink: and you will wonder what life was life before the new baby got here. I think the most important thing to remember is there is no way to “plan” you just have to go with it. The less you plan the more you will enjoy the process and transition. Good luck and keep your great attitude!
Just thinking of you, hope you are feeling alright heading into #2.
Send pics.
Totally understand all your concerns. I had my last and final baby about 18 months ago. Besides him I have a 5, 14, and 17 year old- two girls in the middle. I really had to figure out how to arrange my life around all their wants and most important their needs–it all works out in the end. This last baby is holding on tight…still very clingy and nursing every once in a while, the next one is jealous sometimes, the other one wants to talk, a lot and it doesn’t matter if I’m half asleep, she’ll just keep talking. Thankfully the oldest got his license this year so now he drives himself to his new job the after school school activities so this year has been easier.
Still we all fall in love with these little creatures.
As for what to do with Kenny–try playing little board games (age appropriate of course) while nursing the baby, definitely read to him, and every once in a while let him take in some educational TV time so that you can take a mental break as well. Congratulations and enjoy them while their young, they grow so fast.