We just returned from a quick weekend trip to New York. Casey’s parents watched Kenny on Saturday, and Casey and I had a grown-up night on the town: drinks at the swanky W Hotel lounge in Times Square, dinner at Swizz with his brother and his girlfriend, and then fantastic seats at The Lion King on Broadway! A whirlwind weekend, and an early Christmas present!
The highlight of the weekend for Kenny, though, was the early Christmas present from Gramma and Papa: a real rocking horse, complete with saddle and stirups, springs and a harness. He took to it like a one-year-old boy on a plastic steed.
Wait… he is a one-year-old boy, and it was a plastic horse…
Anyway, he loved the imaginary gallop through the living room, with Papa safely holding onto his belt buckle, and Gramma singing “Pistol-Packin’ Kenny” two hundred times in a row. The strange thing was that the horse is almost exactly the same size as Dudley, and as we had to leave the horse in New York (they will bring it down on Christmas day), I’m a little concerned that Kenny might really try to ride Dudley in the interim, now that he knows how to hold on tight and ride like the wind.
Unfortunately, on returning home, Kenny has the wicked cold that I had last week: runny nose, raspy voice and dry cough. It looks like we may be spending the morning at the pediatrician’s office again, instead of finishing up our Christmas shopping and going to his gymboree class. He’s sleeping now, but with a definite murky snore. My poor, sweetest little guy. He didn’t get sick at all the whole thireen and a half months I nursed him, but it seems like he’s been battling a perpetual cold / pink eye / ear infection / flu ever since. Then again, it is wintertime, he is involved in more “social” activities and we are still victims of an overtime renovation…
Thank goodness vacation is just around the corner. As long as we can make it through the germs on the plane, we should be home free in the sunny south pacific!