Casey’s surgery is rescheduled for tomorrow morning. We have to leave the house at 4:30 AM (yikes!), and won’t know until we get there what time he’ll actually go under. My parents are staying over tonight to be with Kenny all day tomorrow, and possibly into tomorrow night.
I’m not the complete bundle of nerves that I was the first two times the surgery was scheduled, but that could possibly be because of the three glasses of wine and giant ice cream sundae that I’ve consumed this evening. Hey. Whatever works.
I don’t know when I’ll have a chance to write in the next two days, but please keep us in your thoughts and prayers!
One response to “Crossing Fingers”
I’m so delighted to have discovered your blog! I will keep you and Casey in my thoughts and prayers tomorrow. I also wanted to let you know how much I enjoy your blog. I have been feeling so alone after having a miscarriage in August(our first try), but to know that you have had 2 and are still so positive gives me hope. I was really scared about getting pregnant again for the first few weeks, but after a lot of soul searching, we have decided to start trying again. I look forward to reading more.